High Court Orders State to Formulate Directive to Address Illegal Construction

The High Court of Justice has instructed the state to formulate a directive to address illegal Arab construction in the eastern capital and to complete the directive within two months. The court’s instructions to the state resulted from a petition filed by Aryeh Koenig, who is involved in the fund seeking to legally acquire land in the eastern capital towards the return of a Jewish presence in those areas occupied by Arabs.

The state explained to the court that the responsibility falls on the shoulders of Jerusalem City Hall, adding it is no secret that the Jerusalem municipality and the national government don’t exactly see eye to eye on the matter.

Attorney Danny Liebman, the Jerusalem Municipality deputy legal advisor explained the problem is not the lack of regulation, written or otherwise, but the lack of enforcement, explaining in the village of Ekev for example, city inspectors have not entered for six years, insisting there is simply no enforcement in the eastern areas of the capital. The court stated if this is indeed the case, the state must intervene.

Koenig submitted his petition about 5 years ago regarding two illegal structures in the Beit Haninah area of the capital. The state working with the Justice Ministry was to have formulated a directive just how to address the illegal construction, but now, four years after the court ordered the formulation of the committee, a committee has yet to be appointed. As such, Koenig asked the court to set a reasonable timetable, resulting in the two-months set by the court.

Koenig was quoted in the daily HaMevaser as saying “Now we must wait and see just what regulations will be included, and if the law will be enforced or is the case only when addressing illegal construction in the Jewish sector”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. To #1, that is because some people dont want to give in to terrorism. Terrorists will always try to terrorize no matter what the situation is.There are people willing to put themselves at risk so that A) They wont let terrorist get there way easy and not let them have control by always givivg in. B) That when you keep them busy in other places hopefully they dont come in to more crucial now so to say ”safe areas”. And if you say that they can terrorize both areas ,at least it will hopefully put less danger in the more populated safer areas by keeping the terrorist time occupied in already dandgerous areas.And by showing them we will not give in. Now im not saying people should move in these highly dangerous areas . I know I wouldn’t but i can at least understand the mind set of those people who do.

  2. to #1: because if no one lives there, then the people who want to take away all of the land of Israel from the Jews will succeed. We need these brave souls to stand firm in the fact that this is our land. We have a right to be here, and their threats of violence will not scare (all of) us away! We should be thanking these brave people for choosing to live where many of us are too scared to even walk. Yasher Koach to them all!!

  3. They GAVE Gush Ketif to the arabs for free and what did they do; they moved their to fire rockets. This people must be hold at bay

  4. To #1 What place anywhere in the world is and always will be free from any terrorism or antisemitic attacks or persecution of any kind?

    Please tell me because I’m ready to pack my bags and move there immediately (once I can see the absolute proof, of such a place).

    Eretz Yisroael with all it’s problems is the safest place for Jews.
    Excellent example regarding WW2, no Jew was EVER taken from there to a concentration camp.

    Certainly there are places in Eretz Yisroael that are safer then others but unless all of it is protected then H-sh-m might chas ve challila, make it worse everywhere.

    Giving in is certainly not the way, we have seen to many times, where that gets us.

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