Report: Iran Capable of Producing an Atom Bomb

Quoting a report appearing in the German Der Spiegel which quotes intelligence reports, Iran is busy building warheads capable of carrying a nuclear bomb, which Tehran is indeed capable of building within a year, a report that jibes with Israel’s intelligence community and sharply contradicts comfortable White House intelligence reports, stating such a reality is years away.

The report addresses the existence of a clandestine military wing, which is actively addressing the military aspect of the ongoing nuclear program.

As United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton calls for stiffer economic sanctions, Iran continues to exhibit an air of defiance regarding deadlines, Quartet ultimatums and UN Security Council resolutions, all the while advancing its nuclear enrichment program, moving dangerously close to what Israeli intelligence experts refer to as the closure of the window of opportunity to prevent Iran from achieving nuclear independence before it is too late.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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