Litzman: Barzilai Hospital Must be Fortified ASAP

Some say Deputy Minister of Health R’ Yaakov Litzman is doing nothing more than pouring salt on the wound, referring to his unannounced visit to Ashkelon’s Barzilai Hospital during which he announced the hospital must be fortified.

Litzman, who maintains ministerial authority, referred to ongoing calls to construct a new wing of the hospital that can withstand rocket attacks from Hamas-controlled Gaza. The rockets prior to and during Operation Cast Lead [as well as after] highlighted the need for the new wing, as the area’s major medical center is susceptible to rocket attacks, leaving doctors and patients at risk.

The irony surrounding Litzman’s adamant opposition to the current plan stems from the preliminary digging which led to the discovery of bones, an ancient cemetery on the site where the fortified wing was planned. While the chief rabbis of Israel gave the green light for continued construction [setting provisions for addressing the bones], Maran Elyashiv Shlita and other gedolei yisrael seem to oppose the move, prompting Litzman’s decision to halt the project.

Litzman explained that if there was no alternative, there would be reason to address moving the bones but this is not the case, insisting the fortified wing can be constructed in the parking lot, a move that many find objectionable for numerous reasons. For now, the project, which is overdue, is on hold pending a final decision. The only area of the hospital that is fortified is the geriatric ward.

Regarding the need to expand the hospital, which is the primary medical center in the area, the minister stated the higher priority is the fortification, and following the completion of the work, the ministry can address the need for additional beds.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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