PM: We Must Maintain a Presence in Yehuda and Shomron

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu explained on Wednesday that his willingness to accept a Palestinian state hinges on a continued Israeli presence along the eastern border, in the Jordan Valley, even following a final status agreement. This is necessary he explained to prevent smuggling rockets from Jordan.

Addressing members of the foreign press, the prime minister explained the need to monitor borders, to maintain the ability to prevent weapons smuggling into Yehuda and Shomron from bordering nations. This he explained will demand a constant Israeli presence to the east of the new state.

Regarding efforts to renew talks with the PA (Palestinian Authority), Mr. Netanyahu appears pessimistic; explaining that instead of returning to the negotiating table, the PA seems to complicate the situation as much as possible. He used an analogy of ladders, indicating they continue climbing higher and higher.

US special Mideast envoy George Mitchell is going to meet with the prime minister on Thursday, a well as with President Shimon Peres and Defense Minister Ehud Barak. Mitchell visited Lebanon and Syria prior to his meetings, hearing the anti-Israel mantra from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, that Israel is not genuinely interested in peace.

Senior PA official Dr. Saeb Erekat responded to the prime minister’s statement, exclaiming there is no place for an Israeli presence in a Palestinian state.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. When it comes to Israel’s security, let us reference a comment to foreign journalists in June ’93 by Israel’s current President (LOL) Shimon Peres when he said…
    “In politics, it starts in your kitchen. You can break eggs into omelletes, but you cannot make from omelettes eggs again. And we don’t want to omelette the land.”
    In response to such words of wisdom, the only possible reply is “huh????”

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