Disdain for Kahane Ideology Lives On

MK (Ichud HaLeumi) Dr. Michael Ben-Ari explained to Kol Chai Radio on Wednesday that while other members of his opposition party were given the opportunity to take part in the official Knesset delegation to Auschwitz for International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin did not ask him.

“No, don’t ask Ben-Ari” the speaker is quoted as saying when officials probed why his name was not on the list, Ben-Ari explained. He adds that Rivlin simply cannot make peace with the Kahane philosophy which he represents, questioning how it is acceptable for the speaker to permit Arab MK Barakeh to participate, a man who has numerous police complaints and criminal cases against him for his anti-Israel violence, yet he is barred. “It is okay for Barakeh to go but I am not acceptable” he repeated.

Ben-Ami added that he sought a meeting with Rivlin to work out differences, but the speaker will not even meet with him he told Kol Chai.

When asked regarding his relationship with the speaker, Ben-Ari stated “he tries to trip me up with every move I make”.

“There are those who believe Rivlin has set his sights on the presidency but this attitude will not help him,” Ben-Ari concluded.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. —What R’Kahane said was/is TRUTH and to paraphrase a famous line… MOST PEOPLE CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!
    Most Israeli politicians prefer to keep on deluding themselves into thinking that there is a “peace process”, that the existence of the country depends on the good will of Washington, and anything BUT bitachon in HKB”H.

  2. Meir Kahane once spoke at a University in the US and responded to a question by a – JEWISH – student who was accusing Kahane of being a “racist”…so Kahane turned to him and said….”I understand the Arabs and the Arabs understands me…but neither of us can understand you.”

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