Bills Intended to Ban Chametz Sales on Pesach

cho1.jpgTwo bills are being presented, both intended to ban the sale of chametz this coming Pessach. Prompting the bills was the decision by a Jerusalem court last year, in which the court used a unique interpretation of the law, citing that the law prohibits chametz being in view and therefore, chametz items inside a store, not in a window display, may be sold on Pessach. The landmark decision, which was handed down by Justice Tamar Bar Asher-Tzaban angered religious and traditional Jews, who were outraged over an Israeli court permitting the sale of chametz in Jerusalem.

One bill, presented by MK (Shas) David Azoulai, who chairs the Knesset Interior Committee, addresses the court ruling as a blatant change in the long-standing status quo in addition to delivering a significant blow to efforts to maintain the Jewish character of the state.

A second bill is sponsored by MK (Kadima) Otniel Schneller, who seeks to change the wording of the law towards preventing the sale of chametz. Schneller is seeking an ‘express lane towards making his bill law, in time for Pessach. His bill enjoys the support of MKs of the Bayit HaYehudi, Ichud HaLeumi, Kadima, Likud, Yahadut HaTorah and Shas parties.

Schneller’s bill addresses the wording of the law in the hope of preventing another unique court ruling in the future that will once again prevent the sale of chametz chas v’sholom.

Schneller will also be approaching the Knesset secretary to wave the mandatory 6-week hiatus period prior to starting the move a bill along. He is hopeful that his request will be met with a positive response, permitting him to move it along as soon as this coming Sunday.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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