DHM Litzman Convenes Chessed Organizations

litzman1.jpgDeputy Health Minister R’ Yaakov Litzman met in Bnei Brak on Sunday night, convening leaders and representatives of chessed organizations at a special kenos.

The kenos attracted some notables, including prominent names in the medical community as the organizations compared notes, seeking ways to work in concert towards the common goal, helping as many people as possible.

In his letter to participants, the deputy minister called on the irgunim to “stand shoulder to shoulder and exchange ideas”, calling upon them to work together towards providing increased assistance to those in need.

In his remarks before the tzibur, the Modzitzer Rebbe Shlita commented on the significance of acts of chessed, but highlighted the impact when the chessed is the result of unity.

When asked if he is concerned that such an event will label him as pushing the chareidi agenda, the minister proudly responded “I am proud to assist the chareidi community, along with others. The chareidi community is a holy one and I make no attempt to hide my efforts on its behalf”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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