Ben-Atar Joins Kol Chai Radio Team After Being Released From Jail

rkc.jpgShmuel Ben-Atar, who remains a known personality from his tenure as the broadcaster for the Arutzei Kodesh Radio has served his time in prison, released in Sept. 2009 after serving six months of his harsh nine month sentence. The court came down hard on the chareidi station, which was operating without a license, while dozens of radio stations continue their illegal broadcasts around the country.

Ben-Atar is back on the air, this time legally, launching his Thursday night two-hour program last week at 22:00.

In his way, he began the program with a dvar torah, followed by music and then program content, in his usual fashion.

Ben-Atar was interviewed by, explaining that despite his jail term, he has no regrets regarding his tenure at Kol HaEmet Radio, aware of the Torah message that he helped to spread. He added however “I have a wife and children. I would not do it again. I am not crazy”.

He concluded by explaining there is an element of anger, since “those askanim and shlichei tzibur who could have acted to legalize the station did not act to do so”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. B’Ezrat Hashem, in short order, people like him will TAKE OVER in E”Y. They are already having a tremendous positive influence on thousands of not-YET-religious Israeli Jews. Nobody will downplay the tremendous potential and power that the media posesses. So now the tables are being turned – it’s the frum machazirei l’tshuva on the airwaves.

    May they all have phenomenal success!!!

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