PM’s Office: Gush Katif Expellees Moving to Permanent Homes

gush.jpgSome 4.5 years since being forcibly ousted from their homes, the Prime Minister’s Office announced that the expellees of Gush Katif are going to all be moved to permanent homes. The move will ‘duplicate’ the last four Gush Katif communities that were uprooted in 2005. The PM’s Office signed the paperwork to approve the four communities, but in two of the cases involved, the people have not yet given their approval regarding the deal.

Officials in the Prime Minister’s Office reportedly are also working towards granting increased compensatory payment to those people who lost businesses in the expulsion, to enable them to restart their businesses elsewhere.

The PM’s Office released messages that it is determined to undertake the necessary programs towards permitting the expellees to resume their lives and resettle in permanent homes and communities.

Representatives of the expellees stated that while they are indeed appreciative of the efforts being made on their behalf, realistically speaking, there is a long way to go until their lives are once again settled.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Misleading title – moving indicates that the communities are built, whereas with all the bureaucracy involved it will probably be another 3 years minimum before anyone moves anywhere

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