Heavy Security Permits Tefillos at Kever Yosef

The IDF imposed a curfew on Shechem at midnight (Monday night to Tuesday) to permit Jews to travel to Kever Yosef without incident. Armored IDF vehicles were seen leading the convoy, with Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, the Rav of the Kosel and Holy Sites leading the visitors. Also present were Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Rabinowitz (Av Beis Din Yerushalayim), Rabbi Moshe Lipa Rabinowitz (a Mashpia in Yerushalayim), Rabbi Chaim Eliezer Sheinberger, Rabbi Pinchas Althouz (who serves as liaison between the Chief Rabbinate and the Rabbanut of the FSU) and other rabbonim. Also present was Gershon Mesika, who serves as the head of the Shomron Regional Council.

The visit was conducted under a heavy military presence and Baruch Hashem, it passed without incident.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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