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Bill To Permanently Ban Convicted MK & Ministers from Public Life

deri.jpgA bill enjoying the backing of MKs from different parties, in the coalition as well as opposition, seeking to block the return of MKs or ministers who were found guilty of crimes committed during their tenure as public servants involving the ‘moral turpitude’ stain is moving forward. Backing the bill are MKs Tzipi Hotovely (Likud), Yariv Levine (Likud), Marina Sorotzkin (Kadima), and Shelly Yacimovitz (Labor).

Hotovely granted a Kol Chai Radio on Monday afternoon, stressing that despite rumors, this is not personal and is not in any way directed against former Shas leader Aryeh Deri as some allege. She added that former Finance Minister Avraham Hirschson would also be barred from returning, as will be former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert if convicted. She feels the bill sends a clear message, one that holds public officials accountable to a higher standard, one of transparency, and one that seeks to reject those who abused their elected position for their own personal gain and profit.

Attorney Navot El-Tzur rejected the bill, calling it “personal indeed” against Deri, stating it is not a fitting bill, one that seeks to make a widespread change in a basic Knesset law. He adds that the fact that the MKs seek to make the bill retroactive is yet another signal that it is intended against certain individuals.

Tzur explained the law is specific, and such offenders are barred for seven years and as such, there is no need and ill-suited to amend this Basic Law to permanently suspect such public officials who have been convicted retroactively. Tzur, who maintains good relations with Deri, states even if the bill is passed, he does not see it standing the test of the High Court of Justice.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. i think its terrible. its completely western. please let the torah guide us. kill this law. though my perspective is from america where the law here is completely retarded and worse is the people who enforce it….

  2. Which of the MKs are NOT guilty of crimes? Can you tell me? True, they weren’t caught. But to say that they are not guilty of a crime is an outright lie. Only those the left judges want removed from office – esp. Sephardim, religious, right-wing – are behind bars. I know this from an “insider”. This law proves the corruption in Israel’s secular government.

  3. #3 – your statement would only be true if the Knesset were motivated by logic, fairness and a respect for rule of law (therefore the rest of the Knesset is in no danger).

    P.S. I should have added in my original posting, that in most western countries, the equivalent of a “Bill of attainder” is also prohibited. Of course, the original conviction would never have occured since bribery traditionally requires a “quid pro quo” which wasn’t shown – all they charged is that he gave money to yeshivos that the they wanted spent on something else.

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