Report: Egged Significantly Cuts Service to Meah Shearim Due To Vandalism

eged1.jpgAccording to a Kikar report, Egged during the past two weeks has significantly curtailed bus service to Jerusalem’s Meah Shearim neighborhood, apparently in response to vandalism attacks.

The unilateral Egged decision appears to impact the 1, 3, 10 and 15 lines, serving thousands and thousands of riders, many counted among the lower socioeconomic status, unable to entertain taking a taxi as a transportation alternative.

Bus windows were smashed and tires damaged in the vandal attacks. There were numerous incidents during recent months, perhaps sparked by the anti-chilul shabbos protests directed against Intel Jerusalem according to some.

Neighborhood residents question the justification of the collective punishment decision, asking if the bus company would respond similarly if the situation occurred in Tel Aviv or elsewhere. The residents are calling on askanim and chareidi politicians to address the problem in an expeditious fashion.

In response, Egged explains that a number of days ago there was another attack, and this prompted the decision since the bus cooperative is responsible for the safety of its drivers and passengers, as well as committed to protect the buses from damage. Officials at Egged stress the decision was not made following an isolated incident, but repeated incidents that simply place drivers and passengers alike in danger.

This past motzei shabbos, Egged tried to resume regular service but another protest on Shivtei Yisrael Street resulted in a different reality, and the buses could not pass.

Egged officials are planning to meet on Monday to evaluate the situation towards reaching a decision regarding the possible resumption of regular bus service to the neighborhood.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

12 Responses

  1. This is not an example of “collective punishment.” A collective punishment would be, for example, if every resident of these areas was forced to pay a fine to pay for the damage. This is a consequence– Egged does not want damaged buses and unsafe situations, so they do not want to go to areas where it seems likely to happen. This is another unfortunate result of Jews trying to act like Eisav, not Yaakov.

  2. “Neighborhood residents question the justification of the collective punishment decision, asking if the bus company would respond similarly if the situation occurred in Tel Aviv or elsewhere.”

    the fact of the matter is, this WOULDNT happen in Tel Aviv!! Ramallah or East Jerusalem, for sure. and I guess that is why Egged doesnt serve those cities either.

  3. All the diverted buses still go on Shivtei Yisroel, (via Yechezkiel and Shmuel HaNavi) and it’s a further inconvenience that they don’t make all the stops on those streets. While it’s an inconvenience to those of us in Meah Shearim, it’s also nice to have quieter and cleaner air.

  4. YES, egged and dan would and have curtailed services on lines where there is violence and vandelism.. MAYBE just maybe, we will have to deal with the problems facing our kehilla.

  5. Purim Torah (two months early):
    I looked up “egged” in an English dictionary and found the following definition: incited to action; usually followed by “on”.

  6. Egged has a responsibility to its drivers to ensure a safe work place. If buses are being attacked in specific areas they it seems quite reasonable to bypass those areas. Hard on the people who live there but they need to confront the thugs and let them know that they need to stop.

  7. As #3 says: “Yes, it is unfair, but the innocent residents of meah Shearim are victims of the perpetrators, not of Egged.”

    If those who live there feel hurt by this, they should go out and beat up the shababnikim, as was done in Ashdod last motzei shabbos. Those little terrorists should get beaten up so badly that they will never again set foot in any chareidi neighborhood. That would solve any and all problems.

  8. #9
    While I agree with you, have you considered thqat these vandals may be the same Charedi youth who attack police caars and block streets with dumpsters?

  9. ” Beating up’ is a poor and temporary form of education. In America we speak of “Misaskim” maybe it is time for the residents of the neighborhoods involved to form neighborhood “Areivim” groups to “infiltrate” these “gangs” and diffuse them.

  10. The vandals are not told that this activity is ossur??-but internet is? Maybe going to the grocery supermarket is also ossur because one may want to buy and eat non-kosher meat which looks just like the kosher one,just because he sees it? Make bus riding ossur because vandals damage them.

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