An Additional Act of Peace & Friendship From King Abdullah II

abd.jpgYWN-Israel reported on Sunday that Jordan, an Arab nation officially at peace with Israel, is unofficially boycotting Israeli produce.

Now, adding to Amman’s chutzpah is the Hashemite Kingdom’s latest move, seeking to claim ownership of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The story surrounds the fact that the scrolls, dating back some 2,000 years, are currently on display in Canada. According to reports from London, Amman has called on Canadian authorities to confiscate the scrolls, explaining they were discovered in disputed territory and therefore, they are not clearly Israel’s. Jordan feels this is enough to compel Canadian authorities to confiscate the scrolls currently on display in the Royal Ontario Museum.

Jordan’s claims are based on its occupation of Yehuda and Shomron from 1948 to 1967, feeling this defines rightful ownership. Canadian officials are opting to take a back seat and are unwilling to become involved, telling Jordan the dispute can be worked out between Jordan, Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority).

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Hey one minute, was it Jordan or Palestine?
    Not that anyone will take them to task, but this is exactly what Israel needs: a clear statement from the arabs that those areas where never “Palestinian”.

  2. When England returns the Rosetta stone to Iran, we’ll have what to discuss.

    First of all, at the time it belonged to Israel. Whether you want them to give back the land is a separate issue.
    Second of all, it belongs to an individual, not a country. A country can claim something a national item, but not after it’s out. And definately not in retrospect, to land that wasn’t yours at the time.

  3. 1) there is no arab country that is in peace with israel
    2) the Hashemite Kingdom forgot that the land he is walking on belongs to israel jordan is also part off eretz ysrael

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