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The Battle for Mehadrin Bus Service in Tiveria Underway

eged.jpgThe non-chareidi residents of Tiveria do not appear willing to go along with efforts that are pushing to launch mehadrin [separate seating] bus service in the city. The move comes at a time when the Transportation Ministry is weighing the future of mehadrin service in other areas.

It appears that behind the move is Rav Osher Idan, who feels in time, “even the chilonim (secularists) will understand just how nice modesty is”.

According to a Haaretz report, the rav explains the area’s chareidi community has grown significantly and there is a desire for the service. He adds that he has already contacted the bus company, which is more than willing to accommodate the mehadrin service as well. The rabbi feels that the chareidi tzibur, today a significant community, should have the service on certain routes during certain times of the day.

Not all of the frum area residents agree, with some expressing opposition, fearing it will just spark opposition and strife between the chareidi residents and their non-chareidi neighbors.

Ministry of Transportation are not willing to officially entertain such a request, explaining the entire concept of mehadrin bus service is now in the court and until it is resolved, there is no point in accepting new requests.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. chareidim have the “right of way”. secularists error very shortly within a conversation. they are secularists do to a lack of knowlege.

  2. It would work much better if Israel adopted a capitalistic system based on meeting user demand instead of a socialist system by which bureaucrats decide what users will get.

  3. #2, lets block out and forget all systems and make an original jewish system from its foundation. all other systems are ridiculous.

  4. Egged Bus Line is another proof of Communism in Israel.

    Only in Israel, the so-called Democratic country, does 1 bus line, namely Egged, have exclusive rights and Dan, in the Tel-Aviv area.

    The Communist Government of Israel who is against Mehadrin buses and against bus routes on certain streets, would not permit another company to start a new bus line.

    Israel keeps talking and talking, trying to brainwash the gullible public that it’s a Democratic State. It never was and doesn’t seem like it ever will be with these corrupt anti-religious politicians.

  5. BS”D

    Having been born on the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness, I visit Tverya often and know it well. This is not a smart move because Tverya is not Yerushalayim in terms of demographics, level of observance, or minhagim.

    Having mehadrin service as a private venture might be a good idea; having it as part of municipal service would backfire.

  6. I am a man. What ridiculios thing this is. A married couple can’t even seat together. They are not normal. I am very frum but as long as I don’t seat with another woman than what is the shaile.
    Be normal. Be smart.

  7. The Communist Government of Israel who is against Mehadrin buses and against bus routes on certain streets, would not permit another company to start a new bus line.

    Residents (not the government) are not interested in gender seperated buses. Get used to the facts and this is including over 80% of religious and 20& of charedei people. Ever travel in Bklyn, Queens, Chicago, LA, St. Louis and Miami beach, if you want gender seperated go to Kiryat Joel or Kiryat Square, PRIVATE neighborhoods. Yerushayalim, bet shemesh and teveria are not PRIVATE neighborhoods

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