More On The Horrific Death Of Fruma Enchin A”H In Yerushalayim

tear.jpg“I ask your forgiveness my daughter if I permitted you to cry for too long, if I did not feed you in a timely fashion, or chalila I did not pay attention and I did not change you in a timely fashion” were the painful words, the hesped given by the mother of the 8-month-old Fruma, who died of massive injuries inflicted by her angry and apparently mentally unstable father.

Some 30 family members and close friends were on hand during the late night levaya of the infant on erev shabbos at the Shamgar Funeral Chapel in the capital. In keeping with minhag Yerushalayim, the mother did not accompany Fruma to the kever, escorted by members of the Chevra Kadisha and a small number of others, responsible for reciting kaddish for this pure neshama.

According to some reports, area residents, friends of the dad, Nachman, realized he was in distress, urging him to seek assistance, to visit a psychiatrist, but he shrugged off their worries, insisting there was no need. Some spoke to him that very day, concerned over his outwardly visible deteriorating state.

Neighbors explain he was abroad several months ago seeking assistance after their financial situation worsened significantly. They explain that since his return, his mental state took a sharp noticeable turn for the worse. They add his condition following his return continued to deteriorate, and he was never in that kind of worrisome state prior to the financial collapse.

On Thursday, the night of the tragedy, police received calls at about 11:00pm, with the mother, Esther, complaining her husband had locked her out of the home together with her daughter, who is 4. She explained they had a bitter argument previously. Neighbors phoned the police emergency dispatcher, expressing their concerns over the cries and screams heard from the apartment located in the Shmuel HaNavi neighborhood, fearing for the welfare of the child. By this time, Esther was hysterical, fearing Nachman would harm the infant. She told police she saw him holding Fruma by a leg while smashing her head on the floor shouting “get away from here or I will kill her!”

One neighbor, Chaim Biton, managed to gain entry via a window, describing for police that he saw the dad holding his daughter “like a chicken” adding “he was in a rage”.

When medics arrived they found Fruma on a bed, in a pool of blood, unconscious. She was in cardiac arrest. They added that the father shouted at them “take the girl and treat her”.

Hatzolah responder Yosef Refaeli told authorities that the dad simply did not appear sane when he arrived.

Medics spoke of a comminuted skull fracture, bite marks to her face and factures to her legs. They transported her to the emergency room of nearby Bikur Cholim Hospital where they pronounced 8-month-old Fruma dead, beaten to death by her father.

23-year-old Nachman repeatedly told police “I am Moshiach” authorities reported to the media. Nachman was seen by a psychiatric who determined he is fit to remain in custody, and his remand was extended for a week as the investigation continues.

His attorney insists that he simply is unaware of what is going on, not in a state of reality and not responsible for his actions. He does not understand the difference between right and wrong attorney Yaakov Kaminski insists. He does not understand that he killed his infant daughter he exclaimed.

Officials add that while Nachman was hospitalized in the past, he never displayed violence and was not deemed a danger.

R’ Meir Strick, the grandfather of Fruma A”H explained, “We are not angry. Hashem gives and Hashem takes. Such is the Heavenly decree”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

47 Responses

  1. I want to ask of every one reading this horrific and utterly sad article to please stop for a few moments and thank Hashem for your husband. Is he mentally stable, Is he kind to you (most of the time),plus plus plus plus, then you have a loads to be thankful for.

    For anyone that grew up with stable, loving parents and matured into happy adults, thats not something to take for granted.

  2. When Rav Avigdor Miller Z”L left a home where the parents were sitting shiva for their 2 year old who fell out the window and they were wondering what aveira caused it, he commented that it was simple. The aveira of not putting up window bars! I wonder if this case is similar?

  3. YWN, Please DON’T feel the need to update us on the specific details of the murder. We, unlike most television viewers, are not immune to murder scenes and gory details. It’s better to stay that way.
    Today, whoever wants can view online videos of beheadings and other murders. I’d prefer to remain human.

  4. Why is not sufficient to say that the father is mentally unbalanced and killed his daughter? Do we need to hear all the gruesome details of this horror story?

    How was this guy permitted to marry and attempt to raise a family?

  5. Such a bizarre tragedy seems like a clear sign that Moshiach is very close, and that we all need to do teshuva, each for his own affairs, and daven harder and harder for him to come soon. This is a Mussar shmuze from Hashem directed at each and every one of us.

    OK, SO “his attorney insists that he simply is unaware of what is going on, not in a state of reality and not responsible for his actions”

  7. please stop writing how mentally unstable he is giving him some kind of pass he a low life murderer like all the others doing life in prison

  8. #2. I am well aware of the story you mentioned, however, Rabbi Miller did not say that to the aveilim. That would be very hurtful and inconsiderate. He said it at a later time when asked about it in private.

    I feel like I am reading the New york times!!
    how can you put such details about a story. Who are your Rabbanim? I dont beleive any frum jew should ever read such sick details. You should be ashamed of yourself for publishing such sick and disgusting news.
    how dare you corrupt our frum world with your sick news!

  10. #9, i think #2’s point was not when Rabbi Miller actually said the statement, but the fact that when something happens everyone looks for a spiritual reason to blame it on and don’t look at the gashmius right in front of their eyes. Being a parent involves a lot of gashmius practicalities in daily life such as feeding and caring for the family. Putting gates on the window is a responsibility. We are not allowed to rely on miracles to watch our children, we are required to do our gashmius part and then we rely on Hashem to watch over all of us because even when someone does their best there are still many things that can happen.

  11. For all those people that couldn’t understand why the ywn gave all the details of this grewsome murder its very simple. In our community when it comes to mental illness we are very quick to hide it and be in denial. People have to wake up and see what can happen if someone doesn’t treat his mental illness. Which by the way there is allot of help out there!

  12. #11, You’re exactly right IMO. ANd the people who knew of this man’s condition and allowed him to marry and have children are in the same boat.

  13. baruch dayan haemees this is a wakeup call for all of us to do teshuva!!! i mean for a 23 year old father to beat up his daughter like that? its horrible!! terrible! i hope moshiach comes very soon and we dont hear such horrible stories again! AMEN!

  14. I feel like I’m reading the New York Daily News or the New York Post. Is it important for everyone to know all the details? Is not enough that it is a terrible tragedy? Maybe, parents need to examine their children before they marry them off instead of hiding details and setting the problems that they could not solve on others. Must mentally unstable people marry and create more tzores? Are we looking to dump our children with problems on others? Where are the Rabbonim and gedolim to set guidelines for marriage? If the father saw his son in such distress why did he not remove the wife and children to a safe place until help could be sought? There are alot of people responsible for this horrible tragedy, nebach.

  15. Charge the Shadchen and those that gave misleading information about Nachman with the murder.
    Not everyone should be get married.

    It would prevent many issues in the future.

  16. thanks ywn for the shock treatment. my prayer is that we dont forget this to soon to be able to intervene next time. and then next time may it end much better. and yes, probably there will be a next time but we still daven that there will not be one.

  17. Friends it’s not normal for there to be 3 tzaros almost back to back like that for klal yisroel. It must be a wake up call for us to do teshuva!

  18. I agree that YWN should not have posted that the father was mentally ill. Why is it ok to say that he was mentally ill however when someone commits suicide YWN can’t post it because it is Losh Horah? They post something else instead.

  19. #21 – I think anyone could come to the conclusion that a father who commits such a horrible and violent act against his own defenseless daughter IS mentally ill. It’s no surprise to say that about this person. Not saying it doesn’t make it not true.

  20. I agree with #10. This is a horrible story and we dont need to know all the grotesque details. Its bad enough to know a father killed his own daughter. May we only hear happy news with the coming of mashiach.

  21. this is very sad news, however i feel that such new like this should not be posted on ywn, i think its pure lashon harah, is this what hashem whats from us, hearing all this lashon harah???

  22. Please YWN! lets try to keep this a Kosher website! icchh! i could throw up from this story, doesnt have nausiating news like this you shouldnt either.
    there is no toeles.

  23. Why does everyone care that YWN posted this article with its details? If all of you really cared, you wouldnt be reading the internet to begin with. This story actually happened and people should know about it in order to prevent further incidents. Stop pretending!

  24. i am also mentally ill,
    really i am, the thing is though i will never ever come to do something even close to what is printed in this horrible news article,
    i have no problem admitting that i got emotional issues BUT I WILL NEVER KILL OR HIT A CHILD EXPECILLY AN INFANT,

    what a terrible story,

  25. #28 and similar – you are correct in observing that this website is deviating from normative practice of haredi journalism (Yated + Hamodia), where this type of violent and tragic reporting is censored out. Certainly I understand the need for this type of safe ground for a family of bnei-Torah to rely upon. Nonetheless, IMOHO, I doubt that our gedolim would want for this practice to lead people into a false sense of security where real and dangerous issues are swept under the rug. For the good or the better, we need to deal with ugly problems such as this and it is simply not possible without being informed of the tragedies.

    רחמנא לצלן
    בשורות טובות

  26. Yes, it hurts deeply to hear such tragic news. The details are horrific and shocking. But how many people are going to suffer at the hands of the mentally ill until Klal Yisroel bands together and realizes this is a REAL issue?

    This isn’t pretend. This isn’t a thriller novel. This happened in real life–and it is high time that we recognize that mental illness, if constantly shoved under the rug, and continuously viewed in a pretentious way, will rear it’s devastating head, and cause indescribable pain.

    As much as people are condemning the publication of this article, there is much to be said for how it is impacting everyone. We need to be a people of proactive intervention–before tragedy strikes.

  27. I totally agree with #!! Anyone that has a calm devoted spouse should say Modeh Ani twice [at least] each day.

    If you don’t GET HELP!!!!! Don’t dream that it will go away by itself. Someone usually gets hurt! There are many organizations out there who could help. See your local Rabbi or you Kallah teacher, for starters!!!


  28. I don’t think YWN or anyone else thinks he should be “excused” because of mental illness (#7 & #8..)but if you actually read the article you will know that the family is not angry; they are trying to deal with this like rachmanim! Maybe he was not mentally unstable when they got married! don’t be so harsh – “Al tadin es chaveiro ad shetagia limkomo”! Forgiving doesn’t mean he does not pay for his crime. Try to show some mercy & Hashem will show you mercy, too!

  29. OY VAY! HaSh*m Yirachem! The secular tikshoret is having a field day with this story. We, the shomrei mitzvot, are supposed to be at the head; we are the leaders and we are the example makers. If the head is RAKUV, so it the tail. It is because of incidents like this, incidents like the money laundering, incidents like the selling of body part, etc… all those chillul HaSh*m stories that have been in the news lately, that make the “head” rakuv. If we are not kedoshim, for sure we can’t lead the secular to be kedoshim. How can they be when they take example from us? WE NEED TO DOVEN, AND WE NEED TO DOVEN HARD!!!!!!! There are just too many stories, too often, too much chillul HaSh*m.

    Eric55 – By the way, regarding your previous comment (#22) on the original story, I hope you are not going to ignore what your son has reported to you. Please report the incident to the proper authorities before one of his sons may end up like this 8 month old baby, Chas V’shalom. DON’T wait – people like this do things out of anger that they would never consider doing when they are calm. Ask this young avreich if he regrets his actions.

  30. I think everyone should stop worrying about other people and start thinking about themselves. Everyone is always looking to make to the other one better. Go look at yourselves and see if you are all so perfect to speak. Everyone is having financial problems. Do not let it out on you spouse or child. It doesn’t help anyone. It just brings tension to the world.

  31. Editor, for those who are too squimish to read such stories please provide an warning at the beginning of an article.
    It looks like the root of the violance is Parnasha what are the “Gedolim” who are banning the internet of any kind doing to resolve this promlem? Why is Mea Sharom the poorest neighorhood in Israel? The Abister did not tell us to live in poverty to serve him. Put these people on the farm as The Creater intended.

  32. This is an extreme example of what may happen if women are not careful with their husbands’ egos.
    A responsible man feels the yoke of providing for his family; when he fails, a wife can let him know that he is still a man, or she can validate his feeling of failure, thus emasculating him further, until he actually acts like an animal!

    (for our own happiness, at least, if for nothing else)

  33. #38 your posting is both ludicrous and dangerous. Obviously, in normal situations a wife should strive to be an eizer k’negdo. However, there is nothing in this tragic story to indicate that there was anything normal about this man. The husband was so severely mentaly imbalanced that he brutally murdered his baby with his bare hands. His wife and family were obviously living with a madman and no justification should be given to his actions and certainly no blame put on his wife. Your thoughtless statement may be what keeps these women and children in abusive relationships in the firstplace. Shame on you!

  34. i was walking by when as the cops showed up and then i saw MDA carry fruma A”H out to the ambulance while trying to resuscitate her hashem yerachem.

  35. #39: I wrote with the assumption that most women reading this are living in normal situations.
    This was merely the lesson I extracted from the article and holds no relevance to this family. If an incident is sent our way, it is just that…SENT to us. I ask myself, “Why did I have to read this?”

  36. #41 Maybe the lesson you should learn is to be more sensitive to women/children who are suffering and be able to offer them help and support to get out before it’s too late, like in this heartrendering case. PLEASE, don’t be so frum that you’re blind to the painful realities that others must live with.

  37. #42: Thanks for your suggestion; actually, that’s exactly what I’m trying to do for one friend who IS in such a situation. Like I said, the message I came away with was for women like myself living in, thank G-d, normal situations.
    You may clarify your paradoxical last statement, if you wish. (So frum = blind to others’ pain?? In my religion, it’s quite the opposite!)

  38. A direct quote from you # 38 “This is an extreme example of what may happen if women are not careful with their husbands’ egos….” hard to see how this comment “holds no relevance to this family”??? In my opinion, you’re judging the wife for not being ‘enough of a wife’ instead of sympathizing with her. You call yourself “tomim tihye” but that shouldn’t mean ‘naive’.

  39. #42: #39 did not intend to be judgmental; she merely explained which lesson (one among many) can be learned from this horrible story. You, perhaps, can learn something else from it and share with us. But please pay attention to the words and phrases you chose when posting your comments. I copied and pasted them for your convenience. Here they are: “ludicrous and dangerous, thoughtless, don’t be so frum that you’re blind, you’re judging…instead of sympathizing, shame on you!” Don’t you believe that a soft spoken tone is an effective one?

  40. I think YWN is right in putting in all the gory details. This is for all the parents who think they can hide the fact that their children are on psychiatric medication, so that they should be able to get married… (and the parents won’t have the ‘burden’ of having them sit at home). This is the outcome of such WICKED parents.
    That poor Esther Anshin!
    Thank you YWN for being the nachson, and not hiding these facts from the tzibur who would ‘rather not know’ – thus sweeping these issues under the carpet, and burying their heads in the sand…. etc. etc.

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