Har Bracha Hesder Talmidim Turn to High Court of Justice

hesder.jpg63 talmidim and soldiers affiliated with the Har Bracha Hesder Yeshiva have turned to the High Court of Justice on erev shabbos against Defense Minister Ehud Barak. They are seeking a temporary injunction to stop the countdown timer on the 60-day period during which talmidim must find a new yeshiva, after which the yeshiva will be officially ousted from the hesder framework.

The order was given about three weeks ago by Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who cut off discussions with hesder rabbonim, determined to make an example of Har Bracha following what he perceived as unacceptable practices by the rosh yeshiva, Rabbi Eliezer Melamed.

Attorney Gilad Korenaldi told the High Court that the minister’s move lacks legal backing and is the result of his own political considerations, setting a dangerous precedent. The petitioners also feel the move represents collective punishment, pointing out the talmidim and soldiers affiliated with the yeshiva should not be compelled to pay the price for the dispute between the minister and the rosh yeshiva.

The students explain they entered the IDF via the yeshiva, because they believe in the yeshiva’s philosophy and remain committed to a Torah lifestyle in and out of the military, believing the IDF does not reject the Har Bracha hashkafa.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Given the bias of the Israeli Supreme Court, their best argument is that the army shouldn’t be allowed to discriminate against soldier based on their opposition to the government. The Court may believe that Torah is the nemesis of Israel, but they have a soft spot for sedition.

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