Another Demolition Order – This Time at Kever Shmuel HaNavi

dozer.jpgThe Civil Administration has issued a demolition order for the building at the Tzion of Shmuel HaNavi, a building that serves as a yeshiva and kollel on the holy site.

According to a HaMevaser report, quoting Rabbi Yosef Toledano, the chief rabbi of Givat Ze’ev, the yeshiva has been operating on site for some 20 years with the knowledge and approval of authorities. 20 avreichim learn and live there during the day.

The yeshiva was given a permit by the Givat Ze’ev Municipality, even following refurbishing which resulted in some changes, with officials realizing the significance of the presence of the avreichim on location.

The Civil Administration however has a different view, insisting the building was placed illegally and hence, it remains illegal.

Rav Toledano and the students held an atzeres tefilla towards the removal of the harsh decree, and askanim are also working to prevent the destruction of the yeshiva, but for now, without success.

The rav explains that in addition to the obvious significance of maintaining a yeshiva at the Tzion, the Jewish presence at Nbei Samuel also helps provide a safe atmosphere for yidden to visit the Tzion, which is somewhat secluded, certain that without their constant presence, less people would be willing to visit the kever.

Yossi Avrahami, who heads the Givat Ze’ev Municipality, promises his full cooperation and assistance towards obtaining the necessary documentation to permit the yeshiva to continue operation on site.

HaRav Yosef Shvinger, who heads the organization that seeks to improve and watch over holy sites adds he too is using his influence to assist in any way he can.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. To AynOdMilvado1: This Obama-kissing government SHOULD LISTEN more to the U.S. — Look at the other news … US is pressuring the Israelis NOT to swap 1000 terrorists for 1 prisoner.
    The Obama administration is more worried for terrorists than the Israelis are … and they are more forward thinking.
    HaSh-m yirachaiym…

  2. BS”D

    Again, worse than Poland or Ukraine or Hungary where kivrei tzaddikim are being refurbished with assistance from the local authorities.

  3. When we get an evil mayor to Jerusalem ,because the religious Jews can only think of revenge – we get what we deserve.

  4. BS”D

    This is on the national level. Givat Zeev is not under the Y-m municipality. Here, the local authorities are trying to help and the problem is with the Civil Administration which is a branch of the government of the medine.

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