Olmert & Sharon Jr. Working to Prevent Kadima Split

Kadima.jpgFollowing this week’s events, it is official and all are aware that Kadima will remain in opposition, rejecting a call from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to join the government coalition.

While the threatened breaking away from the party by many MKs appeared imminent, that move is on hold, albeit temporarily according to most. As such, former party leader Ehud Olmert and Omri Sharon, a former MK and a son of Ariel Sharon are involving themselves in the ongoing dispute, seeking to persuade MKs not to buck the party, a move that would have a devastating impact on Kadima’s future.

While Livni is seeking to stabilize the situation and remain in control, she is under mounting pressure from Shaul Mofaz and his growing number of supporters to announce a date for early primaries, an internal Kadima election to select a party leader, with Mofaz confident he will oust Livni due to her repeated failures.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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