Are the War Drums Beating?

iafa.jpgDespite continued messages of calm from senior government ministers, there is increased discussion surrounding the distribution of gas masks, bomb shelters and the existential threat faced from Iran, as Tehran continues towards their march to nuclear independence.

In addition, Defense Minister Ehud Barak told a Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee session this week that Hizbullah has over 40,000 rockets, adding that Hamas today is stronger and better equipped than it was prior to Operation Cast Lead.

The Security Cabinet convened on Wednesday to discuss pertinent issues, including preparing the homefront for war. They also discussed the situation in the north regarding bomb shelters and other aspects of area preparedness.

Just yesterday, Tuesday, YWN-Israel reported the IDF wrapped up a major training exercise in the north, assessing the military’s capabilities in the event of a major attack from Hizbullah and Syria, involving convention and chemical missile attacks.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. yyyr, the reason why Israel have not blown up Tehran yet is because they need the support of the U.S. which unfortunately will not be coming so quickly like in the past because the Idiot in Chief is really not interested in the security of the Jewish State of Israel.

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