DM Barak Receives a Threat Prompting Increased Protection

sb.jpgOfficials have beefed up security for Defense Minister Ehud Barak after he received a threatening letter. While Defense Ministry officials are unwilling to confirm or deny the Channel 2 report regarding the threatening letter, the report states “right-wing extremists” threatened the minister due his tenacious enforcement of the 10-month construction freeze.

In a related matter, Police Chief Dudi Cohen was also the recipient of threatening mail on December 23rd and 24th, and according to Minister of Public Security Yitzchak Aharonovitch, the letters were sent by “extremists” from the right-wing, also due to the enforcement of the construction freeze.

Aharonovitch explained that Israel Police is responsible for the implementation of government decisions and will continue doing so. Speaking in Knesset on Tuesday, the minister confirmed that appropriate cautions have been implemented and security for the police chief has been increased.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. The letter to Barak threatened to abduct him, tie him to a chair, put a kipa and tzitzis on him, and force him to listen to tapes of Rav Amnon Yitzchak for 72 hours NON-STOP! The authorities equated this to a death threat since it would kill his krum hashkafas and turn him into a ba’al teshuva.
    If captured, the perpetrators will be charged with conspiracy to commit teshuva.

  2. This is just another attempt by the left-wing to make the right-wingers look bad in the eyes of the Israeli public. It’s all part of their elaborate game.

  3. in any other normal country,this criminaly insane traitorous self hating leftist pathetic coward,would be put on trial for high treason,and would be hanging from the gallows or would be rotting in jail,but in israel he is the defence minister,what a sick country

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