Adopt an IDF Unit Program

Connections Israel, a 13 year old educational non-profit organization, has just launched a new program with the IDF – “Adopt a Unit.” This provides educational background for schools/communities/individuals around the world who wish a more connected relationship with our chayalim.

Yeshiva Har Torah of Queens, NY has adopted the Charuv unit where a member of their first kindergarten class served after making aliyah. Former New Yorker Ari Kalker presented the Charuv unit flag, making a personal presentation at the school on Wed Dec. 30 at 2:00pm. To date they have sponsored sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts) for their unit and the students will shortly be receiving letters from soldiers on active duty from their unit.

This definitely makes the soldiers’ long days protecting us more bearable while providing personal connections and important background information to schools and communities.

If you would like to get more information, please email Sharon, [email protected] or call 054-521-7562.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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