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Yishai Calls on PM to Address Access to the Kever of Abir Yaakov

yishai.jpgPrior to setting out for a meeting in Cairo with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Shas Party leader Minister of the Interior R’ Eli Yishai asked Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to address the issue of access to the Tzion of the Abir Yaakov once again.

According to a Kol Chai Radio report filed by correspondent Yisrael Rozner, 20,000 tickets have already been purchased in anticipation of the Egyptian decision to permit travel to the kever on this coming Sunday, the yahrzeit. The trip to the kever has become increasingly popular over the last decade. The tzion is located in a town/village near Alexandria. Among the notables who have been visiting the Tzion annually are the Admorim of the Abuchatzera family, Kikar reports.

It has been learned that without Yishai’s intervention, the permission would not have been granted this year.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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