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Chief Rabbis Come Out Against Abortions

amar1.jpgIn their annual letter to rabbonim around Eretz Yisrael, the Chief Rabbis of Israel Shlita call on rabbonim to include in their Shabbos Parshas Shemos drasha the topic of the prohibition of aborting pregnancies.

The Chief Rabbis lament the fact that some 50,000 abortions are performed in Israel annually, of which 30,000 are illegal. Most of the abortions are not necessary and therefore constitute a serious violation of Torah Law since there is not an issue of pikuach nefesh.

The Chief Rabbinate is outraged over this statistic, one that results in the loss of tens of thousands of children annually.

The Efrat organization over the years has saved tens of thousands of unborn children, preventing 4,000 abortions in the last year alone. (The organization encourages mothers to keep their unwanted unborn child, supplying them with support and supplies following birth as well). The Chief Rabbinate of Israel praises the organization.

Rabbonim are asked to speak about this on Shabbos Parshas Shemos, marking reference to the mesirus nefesh of the Jewish midwifes and mothers in Egypt. Efforts towards saving the unborn children will indeed hasten the redemption, the rabbis stress.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. There is a hidush in this? It’s not like its a secret.

    BTW – if abortions (sanctioned by zionist law, but prohbited by halacha) result in the loss of 30000 Jewish lives a year – how does that compare to casulties caused by fighting the Arabs?

  2. akuperma, your moral equivalency is so disgusting it is repugnant. Could you please because a Levinitized Dittohead as soon as possible?

  3. #3- so you favor killing Jewish babies? The Allies hung Germans for doing the same thing. If the price of a state is secularism, which includes mass abortions, that price is too high.

    In America it is easy to ignore the issue since it is the goyim killing their own babies (and some statistics suggest that in America, the aborted babies are likely to grow up and become criminals). In Israel, the abortion issue is about our babies.

  4. In Germany, they have a very interesting solution to this problem–a system of “baby bins”. If someone has a baby which they want to give up for adoption, but doesn’t want anyone to know, the person can take the baby to one of these “bins,” open a door, and place it inside. When the door is opened, a light goes on inside the building holding the “bin,” alerting social workers, etc., waiting inside, who come quickly and get the baby. Could this be tried in Eretz Israel?

  5. akuperma, which study has found that these aborted fetuses would grow up to be criminals?

    For your information, there is a law on the books for the past 30 years prohibiting federal funds for elective abortions. The goyim too are forbidden from doing any abortions. That the Chief Rabbis have to come out against abortions is pathetic.

  6. Flatbush Bubby: I usually find your comments somewhat interesting, but you don’t seem to have any idea what you are talking about.
    The law you reference (the Hyde Amendment, I believe) does indeed prohibit FEDERAL funds from being used for abortion. You seem to confuse that with a ban on abortions. Get your argument straight…and btw, what is your point here anyway?

  7. Akumperma,

    You wrote, “In America it is easy to ignore the issue since it is the goyim killing their own babies (and some statistics suggest that in America, the aborted babies are likely to grow up and become criminals). In Israel, the abortion issue is about our babies.”

    It’s strange that you feel it’s ok to ignore the fact that so many non-Jews in America abort their babies (who are equal in dignity before Almight God to children of the Jews). There were many righteous Gentiles who risked their lives (and in many cases lost their lives) to aid Jewish men and women during the Holocaust. Being an Italian-American, I’m very familiar with the stories of so many from Italy who did not hesitate to stand in harm’s way in an attempt to save the lives of many Jews. Had they this same attitude – that they were Jews whose sad plight could be ignored – there would have been a much higher death toll due to the madness of the Nazis. Take Giovanni Palatucci for instance. He was an Italian police official who, when the Nazis began their occupation of Italy, worked out a system of sending Jews to an internment camp in southern Italy rather than to concentration camps where the Nazis intended them to go. The internment camp in southern Italy was turned into somewhat of a “club med”, where the Jewish prisoners came and went as they pleased, passed the day playing cards, visited with town residents, etc. This was done thanks to Giovanni Palatucci and his uncle, Bishop Giuseppe Maria Palatucci. Eventually, the Nazis caught on to Giovanni’s tactics (he had also destroyed many files and obtained visas for many Jews to escape). He was sent to Dachau where he died.

    There are thousands of others who looked at the suffering Jews as their brothers rather than as people whose lives were of less value. Your comments about these poor unborn children from America imply an attitude of superiority on your part. Someone like you just might have a goyim to thank for your own life or of people who you love dearly.

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