Statement by White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Construction in East Jerusalem

gibs.jpg“The United States opposes new Israeli construction in East Jerusalem. The status of Jerusalem is a permanent status issue that must be resolved by the parties through negotiations and supported by the international community. Neither party should engage in efforts or take actions that could unilaterally pre-empt, or appear to pre-empt, negotiations. Rather, both parties should return to negotiations without preconditions as soon as possible. The United States recognizes that Jerusalem is a deeply important issue for Israelis and Palestinians, and for Jews, Muslims, and Christians. We believe that through good faith negotiations the parties can mutually agree on an outcome that realizes the aspirations of both parties for Jerusalem, and safeguards its status for people around the world.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. after reading the news these past few weeks i have come to the conclusion that the world has one foot in the grave and one foot on a banana peel…and is slipping fast

  2. Rabot machshavot b’lev eesh,
    Atstat HaSh-m HEE takum!
    Obama and his ilk can say whatever they want.
    It is dust in the wind.
    HaSh-m’s plan is what will be.
    As the pasuk says, those that bless Israel will be blessed, those that curse Israel will be cursed.
    All the umos ha’olam are doing with their statements is indicting themselves in HaSh-m’s court.

  3. Mr. Gibbs is the dumbest press secretary that has ever filled the post in the history of this great Republic. I want to see FIRST the Arabs unilaterally renounce terrorism and recognize the Jewish State of Israel and then Mr. Gibbs can get on his soap box to proselytize and try to impress one and all.

  4. Flatbush Bubby,
    For once I agree with you. Every time Gibbs opens his mouth he sounds like some kid right out of high school trying to run with the big boys & not being very good at it.
    I mean come on, “good faith negotiations?” Where is this guy hanging out? He can’t seriously believe that there is anybody to negotiate with on the other side!

  5. No more negotiations. Build more settlements. All of Jerusalem is ours. Neither Obama nor any other world has a right to dictate domestic policy to Israel. Israel is a sovereign nation and doesn’t need anyone else to tell them how to run their internal affairs.

  6. maybe this is a horrible comparison… Israel won it in a war just like America did from Great Britain. Why is Yerushalayim’s status more questioned than Washington D.C.?

  7. Why oh why do they keep calling it “settlements” ????????? CALL THEM CITIES!!

    Brooklyn is no less a settlement. Baltimore is not a settlement. Boston is not a settlement etc.

  8. gibb has to say what obamanation wants him to say.
    Right now it is time for obamanation to realize there is nobody for Israel to deal with. Tomorrow there will be another terroist group that will over throw the plo once it “Make peace” with Israel. It is just a joke The foreign minister understands it well. No piece agreement for 20 years with these people. If the stupid USA and EU
    would stop pumping money to these terroist organize they would make peace. They are making more money from war than peace

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