PHOTOS: Merry Xmas at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University

mcj.jpgPHOTO LINK BELOW: While one can argue that non-Jews attend the university as well, this does not remove the pain experienced by many on the campus of Jerusalem’s Hebrew University by the display of a fully adorned Xmas tree, in the heart of the Jewish capital.

More than one student questioned by one must see such a sight in the Jewish Homeland, a sight that may be commonplace on a campus in Europe or the United States, but one that simply has no place in Hebrew U. a campus that exists on Jewish philanthropy and government funds, an institute of higher education that is located in Yerushalayim, the capital of the Jewish People.

Sadly, the university’s student union feels differently, and the tree is part of the campus reality now, and the Gregorian New Year will indeed by marked as a special day, as is the case in goyish countries.

Joining the sad reality was Israel Radio, the government-funded state radio that last week aired many Xmas songs, songs that one would expect to hear in a church or Christian radio station, but not in Eretz Yisrael.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

18 Responses

  1. I graduated from the Georgetown University Law Center, a part of a Jesuit Catholic school – and there was a Menorah there every Chanukah out of respect for Yiddishe students. I wonder how you folk would have reacted to a Catholic protesting the menorah, calling it “disgusting?”

    Do you think you are better Yidden, more “authentic” or frumer by talking this way?

  2. Excuse me, but do you really think that if the Christians put up a Menorah, the same way we can put A X-mas tree? did the Christians suffer from the Jews? did they suffer at all???
    The whole existence of this (so called) state of Israel is supposedly only because of all the suffering Jews went through for almost 2000 years, and by large the suffering was from the Christian church.
    So if someone wants to put a X-mas tree in any place in Israel he should give back the whole state to the Arrabs, since he would have no problem living in exile together with all other nations, B’Achdus!
    (It’s not that complicated, people)

  3. BS”D

    It is very simple. EY is Artzeinu haKedoisha and the entity that runs it is supposed to be a Jewish state. The US is a secular country.

    Therefore, there is no place for other “religions” outside their own institutions in EY, and these institutions must be funded by their own communities (and their members can only live in EY under the laws of ger toshav as the Druse and Bedouin do).

    However, in the US where all have rights and we are all equal participants in the democratic process on our own terms but within the law, there is no place NOT to have a menorah within practical and safety laws, (except as a provocation in a religious institution of another faith).

  4. A600KiloBear – As much as it might pain you, Israel is not a theocracy, Hebrew University is a secular institution, and it has a diverse student body, including exchange students from all over the world.

    If you believe that either our identity or the kedusha of Eretz Yisroel is threatened by the tree in question, in the context in question, you leave me speechless. Lighten up Yid.

  5. BS”D

    Yes, I do lighten up. By lighting public menorahs.

    People move to EY to get away from those trees and to feel they are in a Jewish environment of kedusha.

    Those trees are in public areas in Eretz Yisroel. They are objects of avoida zoro with painful associations for many Yidden whose ancestors were subject to pogroms at the time those trees appeared. Just as no one can stop m”z in a private dorm room, so too with a tree in a notzri student’s window. But in public areas? And krachtzmas songs on the government radio?

    Where is your gaon Yaakov, YonasonW? Same place as the medine’s?

  6. A wise Rabbi once said to a young lady who had survived Treblinka and Auschwitz: “Madie, do not worry about the faith of your children. Your children will follow the faith of the parent who most fervently practices and lives their faith.” And so it is, and they are Jewish. We should not be so concerned with that which causes us no physical harm and instead seek to use that which upsets us as a learning tool with which and from which we can teach our children more about their orthodox faith. B”H, He will take care of the rest.

    While one can argue that non-Jews attend the university as well, this does not remove the pain experienced by many on the campus of Jerusalem’s Hebrew University by the display of a fully adorned Xmas tree, in the heart of the Jewish capital.

    More than one student questioned by one must see such a sight in the American Homeland, a sight that may be commonplace on a campus in Israel, but one that simply has no place in Yale U. a campus that exists on American Christian philanthropy and government funds, an institute of higher education that is located in America, the capital of the Christian world.

    Sadly, the university’s student union feels differently, and the Menorah is part of the campus reality now, and the Jewish Calendar Year will indeed by marked as a special day, as is the case in non-Christian countries.

    Joining the sad reality was NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox and C.W. Radio, the consumer-funded radio that last week aired much Hebraic songs, songs that one would expect to hear in a synagogue or Charidai radio station, but not in middle America

  7. The previous post attempt should have said what if the story of the Xmas tree was written like this:……..followed by how would you feel?

  8. #9 – Actually, christianity is not avodah zarah for goyim. Christians believe in shotif, which is mutar for a a goy but avdah zorah for a yid.

  9. – {YonasonW, If you believe that either our identity or the kedusha of Eretz Yisroel is threatened by the tree in question, in the context in question, you leave me speechless. Lighten up Yid}
    If it would be like you say, then what was wrong by putting a Tzelem in the Heichel?!
    I stand by my words.

  10. BS”D

    12 – I would check to see if it was Purim, because that situation is not reality in the US as you well know.

    Yale is supported by (too) many Jewish donors, and radio in the US is private. The rest of your comment rings just as hollow. And the first part confuses me.

  11. BS”D

    In addition, EY and especially Y-m is filled with missionaries who are there davka to confuse Yidden and get them involved with both the shituf of yoshke and the AZ of the tree.

    Some of them are studying at Hebrew U (although most of the tree crowd are probably FSU goyim who are also a danger to Russian speaking Jewish immigrants).

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