Levaya for Shomron Terror Victim

candle94.gifThe levaya of terror victim Rabbi Meir Avshalom Chai HY”D, 40, a father of seven, took place in Yerushalayim on Friday morning, beginning at Shamgar Funeral Home at 10:00, with the kvura taking place on Har HaZeisim.

Rav Chai, a Breslov chossid, was a resident of Shavei Shomron for the past 14 years, a well-known figure, a rebbe and teacher for the young children of the community, one who parents stated was “moser nefesh” on behalf of the children and their chinuch.

After the shots rang out from the passing terrorist vehicle on Route 57, the victim’s vehicle swerved out of control and flipped over. The rav was struck in his head by the gunfire. The rav was gravely wounded. Vehicles passing the area reported a traffic accident, unaware of the terror attack that had just taken place.

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ (Abu Mazen) Fatah faction, Israel’s “moderate peace partner”, boasted responsibility for the heinous attack, a branch of Fatah’s al-Quds Brigade calling itself the Imad Mughniyeh Cell claimed responsibility. The terrorists fled the scene and security forces are continuing the search, focusing on intelligence information to lead them to the terrorists.

The rebbitzin, Elisheva, is the daughter of HaRav Eliyahu Meirav, who is affiliated with the Shavu Banim Yeshiva, a Breslov yeshiva. Rav Meirav was also the first head of the nearby chareidi city of Emanuel. The youngest of the rav’s children is 2-months-old.

It must be added that the military checkpoint in the area was removed just last week, permitting free travel between the PA autonomous areas of Shechem and Tulkarem. The checkpoint removed was situated 150 meters (yards) from the location of the attack.

Community leaders and leaders of the residents of Yehuda and Shomron point the finger of blame directly at Defense Minister Ehud Barak, for his one-sided good-will policies towards the PA, seeking to appease the White House and European community at the expense of the residents of those areas, who now live in a perilous situation.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. I just watched the video of his sun being maspid him
    he said, “we will not seek revenge for we are jews, we are kodosh,we are sons of men…”

  2. #5

    Wrong!! That is Christain Philosiphy! Our Halacha says avenge the rishaim arurim! May they burn in the fires of gehenom for all etenity amen!

  3. #5

    Wrong!! That is Christain Philosiphy! Our Halacha says avenge the rishaim arurim! May they burn in the fires of gehenom for all eternity amen!

  4. To #7 on revenge. Get out an Artscroll (or better yet, Rav Hirsch) siddur and read the commentary on Av Harachamim. We don’t live lives of vengeance, we leave that up to Hashem knowing that He will bring about ultimate justice. (And at that time, baavod reshaim rinah, etc.)

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