Thursday Morning News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

A 28-y/o woman in her 26th week of pregnancy died of swine flu on Wednesday, becoming the nation’s 73rd victim.

** Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau on Wednesday released a travel advisory after intelligence information points to plans to target Israelis in Mali, northern Nigeria, the Burkina, and the Ivory Coast.

**Veteran Gush Etzion Regional Council leader Shaul Goldstein announced on Thursday morning he will resign if the 10-month construction freeze is not canceled.

**Vatican officials are defending the pope’s decision towards beatification of Pious XII, explaining the move is in no way intended to be offensive to the Jews or others.

**Emergency sirens sounded at 9am on Thursday morning in Tiveria as part of an area emergency drill.

**A safe containing NIS thousands was stolen from an office in Kibbutz Yutvata in S. Israel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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