Wednesday Afternoon News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

Police reported on Wednesday afternoon that five students were injured when a bus traveling near Wadi Salami (Galil) was bombarded with rocks. The students were taken to Nahariya Hospital, reported in light condition. Police explained the attack was the result of a dispute between students in the school earlier in the day.

**In response to a petition to the High Court of Justice by organizations representing Yosh residents, the court instructed the state to respond within 30 days to explain the mechanism being implemented to compensate victims of the 10-month construction freeze and the workings of the various committees being established towards addressing the problem.

**Police reported early Wednesday afternoon that “chareidim” attacked a police vehicle on Avodat Yisrael Street in Yerushalayim earlier in the day, calling the police “Nazis”. There were no injuries or arrests reported.

**The Nazareth District Court rejected an appeal from an Arab family that insists a daughter was killed by IDF gunfire, the result of undercover agents working in the Yamoun area in March 2006. The court ruled the state did not present conclusive evidence pointing to IDF culpability in the death of the child.

**An avreich was arrested at Ben-Gurion International Airport, apparently a middleman between the imprisoned bochrim in Japan and the person who sent them. The man is under house arrest in a hidden location, fearing for his safety.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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