Har Bracha Talmidim Given 60 Days to Decide or Serve

The talmidim of Har Bracha Hesder Yeshiva, about 100 of them, some learning and some in the army, have been informed that they have 60 days to find an alternative hesder arrangement or they must classify themselves as regular soldiers and serve three years in the IDF.

Hesder organization officials explain that the notification was made in cooperation with the hesder system, but they are hopeful that during the 60-day grace period, a solution will be reached that will prompt Defense Minister Ehud Barak to reinstate the yeshiva.

Discussion is still ongoing, as the hesder rabbonim appear divided, with some seeking a more aggressive position against the defense minister, but the organization’s leader, Rabbi Chaim Druckman Shlita, and perhaps a majority of rabbonim favors a more moderate approach.

To date, Barak has exhibited an unwillingness to reverse his decision, at least publically, but the rabbonim area determined to keep a channel of dialogue open, hoping to obtain a reprieve for Har Bracha. Some of the rabbonim are contemplating turning to the nation’s judicial system if Barak remains unwilling to reconsider his decision. They feel the defense minister exceeded his authority when he decided to unilaterally oust the yeshiva from the hesder system, thereby canceling the Defense Ministry funding for the institution, amounting to about NIS 800,000 annually.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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