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Shas Working to Amend Chametz Law

bread.jpgShas MK Avraham Michaeli is working behind the scenes as his party has decided to undertake amending the Chametz Law, which was modified last year due to a Jerusalem court ruling permitting the sale of chametz on Pessach in the capital. this was a landmark ruling, with the court finding a loophole in the law that opened the door for the sale of chametz on yomtov, something that was never sanctioned in previous years.

Michaeli is working behind the scenes, explaining that yomtov is rapidly approaching and Shas feels the court decision from last year must be amended, hoping to accomplish this with Knesset legislation. He is gathering signatures of chareidi lawmakers, hoping however to also enlist a significant number of non-chareidi and non-frum lawmakers. He explains that the matter of chametz is not only a chareidi or frum concept, but “most Israelis are opposed to seeing chametz in stores on Pessach”.

Michaeli explained that Shas views this effort as a “priority matter” ahead of Pessach.

Learning of Shas’ plan, MK (Labor) Ofir Pines is working to counter the effort, seeking support for a bill that demands the Chametz Law remains as is, insisting any change would represent an infringement on the religious status quo.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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