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Eida Decides on Another Protest Against Intel’s Chilul Shabbos

intel1.jpgThe rabbonim of the Eida Chareidis on Tuesday night decided there will be another major protest against the chilul shabbos in Jerusalem by Intel. The event is set to take place on Sunday night, motzei 10 Teves, in concert with the Vaad for Shmiras Shabbos and other rabbonim. The location for the protest has not yet been announced.

Eida Gavaad HaRav Tuvia Weiss Shlita will be taking part along with the rabbonim of the Eida Beis Din, as well as other prominent gedolei yisrael according to Eida officials.

The organization remains determined to bring Intel to its knees, to compel the high-tech giant to close its doors on shabbos, referring to the Jerusalem operation located in the Har Chotzvim high-tech center near the Ramot area of the capital.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. BiMechilas Kvodam Shel HaRabbonim SHLIT”A:

    Andrew Grove — former chairman and CEO and, now, senior advisor of Intel — is a Hungarian-born born Jew. Perhaps a delegation should be sent to him to convince him to convince his corporation to mend their ways and do what is right?

  2. ‘The organization remains determined to bring Intel to its knees”

    Since when is bringing a business to its KNEES considered Daas Torah?

  3. A tip of the hat to Muslim countries run by hardliners. Try to open a meat market selling pork or a business selling alcoholic beverages in those places. Keep your restaurant open during the day in Ramadan. They know how to handle the situation. “Yaish chochma b’umos ha’olom, ta’amin.”

  4. I totally agree with you zionflag.

    Don’t you think the language of “bring Intel to its knees” is a bit much? Is that the function of Tochacha? Maybe your language reflects the anger and sentiment of those engaged in these protests. Perhaps the time is right for a different approach?

    I forget which Gaon of Kiruv once commented that had the Yiddin stood on the corner of Rechov Bar Illan and handed out Rugelach and Cholent, their message of Kedushas Shabbos would have been far more effective than pelting cars with stones.

    Hundreds of years of Cheramim that dont work seems to wash right over these people without making the slightest impression.

    I think Einstein once noted that: “The same logic that brought us to the problem cannot be used to solve it.”

    Another great mind has said: “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.”

    A truly strong leader (or Godol) isn’t one who puts up a brazen face in light of failed tactics (to you #2); its someone who is willing to consider a different and unpopular (with the rabble) approach to solving the problem

  5. WOW This is exactly what Hashem wants. Instead of being Megaleh HKB”H, we are hiding Him. I’m sure He is happy about that. If anyone in Intel is reading this, get in touch with YWN, and you can come to me for Shabbos!

  6. Intel is TOTALLY innocent. The only people in the plant on Shabbos are NOT Jews. AS I recall, it is forbidden for a Goy to keep Shabbos.
    Has Eida gone into the missionary business?

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