Maale Adumim Pork Store Owner Returning to the Fold

kosher1.gifThe owner of a Maale Adumim store selling pork products is reportedly remorseful, indicating that he is abandoning his unacceptable lifestyle, seeking to return to the fold of those who observe Torah and mitzvos.

YWN-Israel reported in November that the store opened in an industrial area of the city near a chareidi area and a number of shuls was indeed selling pork products. As was reported, residents held peaceful protests and the store own promised to mend his ways, but it appears when the objections halted, so did his good intentions.

Confirming the story, the city’s chief Sephardi rabbi, HaGaon HaRav Rabbi Mordechai Nagari Shlita, who explained the store owner now appears truly remorseful, coming to him and other community leaders in tears, explaining that he has had a difficult time, his car was stolen and other events occurred leading him to the decision he must do tshuva.

The rav explained “we are pained because at the end of the day, the owner is a Jew, but we thank Hashem that he has reached a point that he wishes to come back to the fold, to correct his ways…

“This entire matter came to our attention when a non-frum Jew in the community came to me, expressing concerns, explaining he is afraid; worried his children might buy from the store. ‘Your children are religious and they will not eat from the store but my children might fall prey to this new store’”.

The rav further explained if the store was owned by a goy, the community would most likely have tolerated it but a Jew bringing this “other thing” into the community is simply too painful.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. “number of shuls was indeed selling pork products”

    IS THIS A TYPO ERROR? Why would shuls be selling any types of food products?

  2. hey zionflag, just put a comma after shuls, and everything makes sense. Yous should have been wise enough to see that, without making such an unnecessary comment

  3. To #1,

    It’s not a typo, rather a lack of punctuation. The sentence should be read as,
    “The store, opened in … number of shuls, was indeed selling pork products”. (R”L)

  4. #3, the comment of number one IS noteworthy, and I am sure it was written tongue-in-cheek. Without the proper punctuation, the sentence reads in a startling, funny way.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I have heard stories of unquestionably devoted Jews who sold things in their store, or even kept things in their abode, that they would never eat, only as a chesed for others who would eat such things, even non-jews.

  5. #3 I missed the point that every comment on YWN has the status of necesity. Thanxs for reminding me. Mensch explained it like a mensch.

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