A Defiant Iran Scoffs American Deadline

achmn2.jpgWith the Gregorian New Year on the horizon, marking the end of the yet another deadline set forth by the White House, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced he simply is not afraid. America has demanded that Iran comply with demands to store enriched uranium out of the country, but now, about a year after the last set of deadlines, defiant Iran continues forging ahead towards building a nuclear bomb.

Unfortunately, it appears that the United States and the other Western allies simply don’t get it, and at the end, albeit with passive or active American assistance, the Iranian issue will be in Israel’s hands to address.

The Iranian leader announced that he simply is not afraid and has no intention of complying with American deadlines, hinting at a threat with in his defiant statements by announcing Iran is “ten times stronger today than it was a year ago”.

The Iranian leader was quite clear, stating the West can “give as many deadlines as it wishes. We do not care”.

Sadly, it is rapidly becoming crystal clear that Israeli intelligence reports have been correct all along, and while the Western world discusses increased sanctions, the IAF is continuing preparations for what is becoming an increasingly likely mission, to deliver a powerful blow towards setting back Iran’s nuclear program.

Ahmadinejad’s statements underscore Tehran’s lack of regard for White House dictate, but it appears the current US administration prefers to explain things away and discuss sanctions rather than planning a military strategy for an aerial offensive as it should.

Military experts have already warned that a nuclear Iran is not only a threat to Israel, but to moderate Arab states including Egypt and Jordan, as well as being capable of striking American military interests in the Gulf and even Europe.

Tehran recently announced the successful launch of a new longer-range ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. Pray everybody, just pray. Only Hashem can save us now. I hope the rabbonim organize a kinus tefila as soon as possible to beseech Rachamei Shomayim.

  2. Flatbush Bubby, we may need a kinus tefilah, but what we really and truely need and what Hashem wants from us is to do teshuva by finding at least one weak area which we can sincerely improve on and not forget the world and life is not about money and fashion but about keeping and doing Hashem’s mitzvos. If only we would return to our father in heaven and beseech His help no doubt we will instantly be the winners of all the nations. Hashem is calling to us!!

  3. What else is new? Deadlines mean nothing. Why do we train snipers in the military to be able to hit a target at 500 yards while this guy threatens the free world? Do we HAVE to send 20 year olds to die because of such idiots?

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