Report: Hamas Leaders Instruct Negotiators to Reject Deal

gilad.jpgAccording to a report released by al-Manar Hizbullah-run TV, Hamas leaders in Damascus, Khaled Meshal has given instructions to subordinates dealing with the German mediator in the process towards sealing a deal for Gilad Shalit’s release to reject Israel’s offer.

According to quasi-official reports leaked from Jerusalem, the Forum of 7 Cabinet on Sunday night decided to accept the Hamas deal with a provision, that an unspecified number of heavy terrorists are deported out of the country upon their release, prohibited from returning to their homes in PA (Palestinian Authority) autonomous areas.

According to the al-Manar report released on Tuesday afternoon, Hamas leaders are unwilling to accept Israel’s demands.

(Yechiel Spira -YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. Famous quote from Abba Eban: “The Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.”

    An even more famous quote from the Gemara: “Tafasta meruba, lo tafasta.”

    Hashem Yerachem.

  2. I doubt that Hamas was ever serious about releasing Gilad. Having a hostage protects them from being attacked and also as way to emotionally hurt Klal Yisroel. They also use it as a way to make Jews argue with each other about whether he should be traded for murders. These things are more important to them than getting back their ‘brothers’. Typically they give the impression that they are interested in a trade and then back out at the last minute in order to get everyone’s hopes up. They have done this numerous times.

    What they do not know is that Hashem has given them this idea so that we should cry out to Hashem for rachmim. This is similar to how Haman caused Klal Yisroel to do teshuva. If all of us would be mekabel to purify ourselves, to learn better, to daven better. Everybody knows that they can improve themselves in some. If this will happen then Gilad would be released very soon and they will be shame faced.

    As it it says in Tehilam 84: Hashem will not forsake his nation; He will not leave his heritage (Klal Yisroel).

    In Tehilam 81 it says: If only my nation would listen to me, (if) Yisroel would go in my ways; almost instantly, I would stop their enemies and I would turn my hand to their tormentors.

    It is all up to us. Please let’s join together to save him. If you could just leave a small comment saying that you will join in to help, it would be a tremendous chizuk to everyone else. It is not as hard as some might think.

  3. To A yid from Flatbush, Thank you for your heartwarning post, it was very nicely written without any accusations. I undertake to light shabbos candles 10 mins before zeman bl”n. let this zechus bring Moshiach speedily in our days.

  4. #2, tizku lemitzvos and let’s all try to be mechazek in a little area. Hashem yaazor!!
    I will try to focus more on the gratititude and hakaras hatov when saying Modeh Ani in the morning.

  5. Of course these animals are going to play monkey in the middle. Why does Israel continue to act naive and foolish and weak? Do they think the world will sympathize? No! No one respects fools. Why cant we have strong leadership again????

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