IDF Officer Called on the Carpet for Insulting Chareidi Subordinate

idff2.jpgA 28-year-old chareidi soldier, married and the father of three, came under fire from a commander of the rank of lt.-colonel after he asked the officer’s assistance in obtaining the correct service designation to permit him to earn a livable salary. Because the soldier is listed as the head of a gemach, the military assumes he earns a salary and his military pay is NIS 500 a month, far less than he should be receiving.

The soldier was horrified by the response, after he entered the officer’s office without an appointment, and not in proper uniform, lacking his beret and appearing disheveled. According to the soldier’s report, the verbal assault began with “Would you go to visit your rabbi looking like this?”

From there, it got worse, with the officer yelling at him, shouting disparaging comments about the chareidi community, stating “I will have a fine place in the World to Come for my contribution to the state…I am sick of your chareidim who do nothing and sponge off the nation…”

When the soldier tried explaining that his particular community is made of many chareidim who did indeed serve, met with more opposition. “I know your community and your chareidim. It is a scam. They do nothing…”

The disparaged soldier left the officer’s office, reporting he then phoned his wife, crying, explaining that he does not know what else he can do towards getting the salary he is entitled to towards supporting his family during military service.

The matter reached Israel Radio and the IDF was contacted. According to military correspondent Carmella Menashe the officer was reprimanded and the IDF Spokesman’s Office released a statement that such comments against any soldier are simply unacceptable and not representative of the IDF’s opinion.

It remains unclear if at this time the soldier has managed to rectify the pressing issue of his salary.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. Sad story and I hope this charedi man gets a raise and a public apology from this superior.

    I find this line spoken by his superior to be instructive of the hashkafah of Zionism: “I will have a fine place in the World to Come for my contribution to the State.”

    Notice he didn’t say he would get Olam Haba for protecting Jewish lives; he said he would get Olam Haba merely for serving the State.

    If anyone previously doubted that Zionism is incompatible with, lihavdil, the Torah Hakedoshah, I wonder what they would make of that statement.

  2. #1 HaKatan grow up.

    Zionism has nothing to do with this. This is a misguided Jew who should be reprimand and transfered to another unit.

    On the positive side it sounds like he believes in Hashem and Olem Haba.

    I think the chareidim has to become more invloved in national programs to show the average Joe that they are basically good people. That may
    invlove doing army or national service like working in a hospitals, Zaka, MDA, Hatzolah, Mishmar Ezrachi, or …

  3. hahaha I like your name and your comment!
    #4 – loove ittt lol… I think I might use that quote sometime!
    hope this guy gets his raise bH!

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