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Who Leaked Barak’s Master Plan?

barbi.jpgDefense Minister Ehud Barak is demanding an investigation, seeking to find the source of the leak that resulted in his master phase 2 plan for implementing the government’s 10-month construction freeze to the media. As was reported by YWN-Israel on Sunday, Barak is planning a major military operation that includes isolating communities and destroying illegal homes throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

IDF Central District Commander Major-General Avi Mizrachi launched an investigation on Sunday in the hope of revealing just who is responsible for leaking the plan to the media. According to a report appearing in the daily Yisrael HaYom, the IDF is not ruling out the possibility that the leak came from the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet).

Military officials explain that the leak is an extremely serious matter since the plan was discussed at a high level, involving only senior commanders, and those commanders did not expect to read about the planned operation in the nation’s daily newspapers.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. When they publicized the e mails about the global warming scam, the US left was not worried about the scam itself, just about who might have leaked it.

    Similarly, the Baraks of this world are not worried about how despicable this plan is, just about who might have leaked it.
    Such crooked minds!
    These are the clowns who lead Israel!

  2. On a recent trip to Eretz Yisrael I was watching 3 of the big machers in the government discussing current issues with each other on the news.
    My thought was, Ribono shel Olam, this is like watching 3 sanitation workers discussing what technique to use in a brain surgery operation! None of these people have a clue what it means to be Torah Jew, and THEY are the “leaders” of the Jewish State?!?
    We must all daven harder than ever, as times for Yidden In Eretz Yisrael and all over the world get more and more dangerous, for Hash-m to send us Mashiach and save us from the goyim who would destroy us physically, and the clueless (barely) Jewish “leaders” who are in many ways just as dangerous.

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