Jerusalem City Hall Removes Eruv Poles

eruv1.jpgTensions are flaring between Jerusalem City Hall and members of the chareidi community once again. City workers removed some 30 eruv poles from the Malcha and Gilo areas of the capital, in the southern portion, acting on orders from the mayor’s office.

According to chareidi councilman, Yossi Deutch, in an interview with Kol Chai Radio, the move is contrary to an agreement reached between representatives of the chareidi community and city leaders. Deutch in an urgent communiqué with Mayor Nir Barkat demanded the immediate reinstallation of the poles together with repairing the damage. As a result, rabbonim are expected to convene in the home of the Erlau Rebbe to discuss the matter.

Since Mayor Barkat assumed office, there have been more problems surrounding the eruv and city workers have removed poles from a number of areas, including near Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital and Bayit Vegan.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. In Podunk, West Virginia, the eruvin would have been respected by the Christian population. In the Jewish Holy City they are torn down. This equation is fatally flawed.

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