25 Leftists Arrested in Stormy Protest in the Eastern Capital

Mounted police and other units attempted to disperse left-wing protestors in the Shimon HaTzaddik (Sheikh Jarrah) neighborhood of the capital, but they protestors, affiliated with the left-wing community, refused to move. As a result, 25 arrests were made.

The protest in that area is against the growing Jewish community. The left-wing is outraged over the legal acquisition of buildings, purchased from Arabs, insisting Jews may not live in this area of the capital, which they view as belonging to Arabs exclusively, despite court decision backing the Jewish ownership claims.

Jerusalem Councilman Meir Margalit who was on hand during the protest, expressed his concerns over what he saw. “The site reminded of Argentina during its dark days. They definitely would not have acted this way with right-wingers or chareidim”.

Following up on motzei shabbos, about 150 left-wing protesters took part in a demonstration outside the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court decrying the arrests of their colleagues.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. 100% of the time you can track a leftists reasoning to a fundamental error in thought in 10 seconds and prove it to them at which point they resort to a defence machanism.

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