Policewomen Lightly Injured in Erev Shabbos Car Stop in Jerusalem

mishtara3.jpgJerusalem police report they will apprehend the suspect in the coming days.

Police involved in traffic enforcement in the N’vei Yaakov neighborhood of the capital on erev shabbos made a routine car stop. A policewoman approached the driver, asking that he present his document. He grabbed her wrist and began driving off; dragging her along for a number of meters (yards) until a border policeman on the scene fired a warning shot in the air.

It appears the warning shot startled the driver, who released the policewoman, then continuing to drive off. Efforts to apprehend the driver was unsuccessful.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. its horrible how the police in israel are treated. its also horrible how they treat civilians. some one with brains in the knesset should think of a way to stop this.

  2. As #1 says. Nobody respects the police, and the police respect nobody. It’s like two separate worlds.

    Where I am from (Holland), the police is not exactly feared (it’s not a fascist country), but generally speaking, police officers are treated with respect because everyone knows that any police officer WILL do something if you violate the law in front of him.

    Here in Israel, I think a major part of the problem is that the police is too fragmented, like, for example: You park at a bus stop, and a police car stops behind you. In Holland, you get OUT of there real quick – in Israel, you don’t even look from the moment you see it’s Border Police.

    All of the police units are too close-minded, too fragmented, all just obsessed with their little task. Border police, traffic police, routine patrol, Yassam police, bomb squad, volunteers – they’re all just focused on one specific task.

    In Holland, until some 15 years ago, there were two police organizations: the national police, and the municipal police. At that point, they were combined into one single force. This means that, basically, any police officer can perform any task. There are of course units that specifically deal with traffic, narcotics, youth crime, etc, but they all have the same basic tasks and authority, and they never say “this is not my job” when they see someone violating the law in front of them.

    Here in Israel, you can cross the street at a red light with police officers looking at you and you can pass them on the other side and say “hi” to them and they don’t care. (Example: the Ethiopian border police girls at the shuk.)

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