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Hesder Rabbonim To Meet With Rav Druckman

hesder11.jpgThe rabbonim who head hesder yeshivot around Eretz Yisrael will convene in urgent session today, Sunday, to discuss their next move surrounding the crisis that led to the ousting of the Har Bracha Hesder Yeshiva from the hesder family. The decision was made by Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai, blaming Rabbi Eliezer Melamed’s unacceptable position, teaching his talmidim that insubordination is preferable over compliance to orders that negate their Torah hashkafa.

Rabbi Chaim Druckman Shlita, chairman of the hesder network, is a moderate, joined by leading rabbonim such a Rabbi Dr. Yuval Sherlow and Rabbi David Stav. They are going to attempt to persuade Rabbi Melamed to sign a letter defining hesder’s position, decrying political protests by IDF soldiers, but this position will be countered by the view of the hawks, including Rabbi Yaakov Shapira Shlita, the rosh yeshiva of Merkaz HaRav and Rabbi Elyakim Levanon Shlita, a senior rav in the Dati Leumi Torani community and hesder rosh yeshiva as well.

Speaking with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Sunday morning, R’ Druckman seemed confident that the document will be signed, indicating “it is clear to all” that a document condemning political protest in the army must be signed by all. Rav Druckman, a survivor of the Nazi atrocities, emphasizes the need for unity, warning against any action that will split the nation and the IDF, stating such a move could have catastrophic results.

He added that during recent years, the dati leumi community has endured difficult times, including the expulsion from Gush Katif and now, the building freeze, explaining “the dati leumi youth feels backed against a wall”. He stated that nevertheless, unity is of paramount importance, adding it appears that R’ Melamed understands he is expected to sign a document that will be signed by other hesder roshei yeshivot, a move that R’ Druckman hopes will bring an end to the matter and result in the reinstatement of Har Bracha in the hesder network.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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