Experts Both Warn Of Warfare, Albeit From Different Viewpoints

hamas1.jpgTwo senior officials presented their position regarding current defense and security concerns, painting somewhat different pictures, perhaps each placing their emphasis in a different area, but in essence, they agree the future entails existential threats.

Addressing the Conference on Security Challenges in the 21st Century at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv, Chief of Military Intelligence Major-General Amos Yadlin stated that Israel’s deterrence has been restored, pointing out that for the first time in decades, during the winter of 2009, not a single soldier or civilian was killed in an act of terrorism.

He went on however to warn of the situation in Iran, stating Tehran does indeed have a sufficient quantity of enriched uranium to build an atom bomb, waiting to act on her own timetable.

He also added that Israel’s enemies are using this time period to restock, rearm and prepare for the next conflict with Israel, adding that Hizbullah, Syria and Iran all possess the capabilities to launch a missile strike into the Gush Dan (Tel Aviv) area.

IDF Southern District Commander Major-General Yoav Gallant however opted not to focus on the winter of 2009, but preferred to address a more immediate situation, the fact that the relative calm is a temporary situation, one that is about to change, admitting he cannot say exactly when this will occur, but stated this is indeed the situation.

Acknowledging that today, a year after Operation Cast Lead, the southern region is experiencing the quietest period it has known for a decade, he warns this is not going to be long-lasting. Addressing a conference hosted in Ben-Gurion University in the Negev, the southern commander stated he can see the “black clouds” moving in.

Gallant stated that Israel must utilize this period of relative calm to prepare for the next war, military conflict and whatever action that will be demanded, using Cast Lead as an example.

The senior commander was critical of the government’s lack of response to Kassam rocket attacks, explaining that for the eight years preceding Operation Cast Lead, Hamas interpreted the lack of response as “weakness” and the same holds true today.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. we should all pray for peace in Israel. It is my prayer that the Obama administration will not lead this country in the direction that brings America up against Gods chosen people Israel.

  2. “The senior commander was critical of the government’s lack of response to Kassam rocket attacks… Hamas interpreted the lack of response as “weakness”.”
    I think they may interpret it as weakness…
    it IS weakness. Weakness and fear.
    Fear of Obama, Fear of the U.S., Fear of the UN, Fear of the E.U.
    And the fear is well deserved. Why?
    Because the governmnet has NO fear of HKB”H.
    We must all pray like never before for the Israeli government to wake up to their need for Yiras Shamayim!
    And to those of you who say ‘why would I pray for the Israeli government?’
    Because if chas v’chalila something terrible would happen in Eretz Yisrael, it would affect YOU and YOUR family and all Yidden in every corner of the earth.

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