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Iran: Successful Launch of Longer-Range Ballistic Missle

achmn1.jpgIranian Al-Alam state TV reports Tehran has successfully launched its Sejil-2 longer-range ballistic missile, exceeding the capabilities of the Shihab missiles. The Shihab missiles had a reported range of 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles) and if this is the case, the new missiles are indeed capable of striking Israel, Europe and American bases positioned in the Gulf region.

Iranian Defense Minister General Ahmad Vahidi spoke of the missiles’ “great maneuverability”, adding it also has a shorter launch time, an added boost for Iran’s deterrence abilities.

Ironically, a day after America’s House of Representatives approved taking action against companies selling fuel to Iran; Tehran announced the successful launch of the two-stage solid fuel ballistic missile.

While the White House and Quartet nations continue speaking of the diplomatic option and increased sanctions, concerned eyes in Israel continue monitoring Iran’s progress towards nuclear independence, and the existential threat facing the State of Israel.

Just on Tuesday, in an address to a Tel Aviv security conference, Chief of Military Intelligence Major-General Amos Yadlin reported that Iran has at least 1,700kg of low-grade enriches uranium, enough to manufacture a nuclear device.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Ahmadinejad is a mad man with one objective. Bring
    about the return of the second mullah. He will fail. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will protect His people.

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