Chief Rabbi Metzger Learns the Hard Way

metzger1.jpgAshkenazi Chief Rabbi Yonah Metzger Shlita visited the Arab village of Yusuf in the Shechem district on Monday, the site of the arson attack against a mosque on erev shabbos.

The rav’s visit is part of the national effort to make amends for the unacceptable actions of individuals, resulting in apologetic messages and requests for forgiveness from the most senior state and religious leaders. During his visit, Rabbi Metzger commented, “This is how the Holocaust began in Europe”.

Chevron resident and right-wing activists Baruch Mazel did not permit the chief rabbi’s visit to pass without comment, calling it hypocritical since the rav did not voice objection over the destruction of shuls and religious institutions in Gush Katif.

Despite heavy security precautions, the rabbi’s entourage was attacked with rocks as they left, but Baruch Hashem, he and his bodyguards escaped unharmed from the welcoming ceremony arranged by PA (Palestinian Authority) residents. Soldiers were compelled to fire into the air and use teargas to extricate the rav.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. The line between the chief Rabbinate and the Israeli presidency is a fine one. I’m not sure if he missed the line, or he just doesn’t want that line to exsist…

  2. He is forced to say this because he a paid employee of the leftists.He needs his paycheck.I don’t believe he actually thinks that“This is how the Holocaust began in Europe.”

  3. It has not even been proven that the arson attack on the mosque was not done by Arabs.

    Jews are forever taking the blame only to find out that they were maliciously accused.

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