Chareidi Forums Versus Chareidi Internet Sites

ib.jpgIt would appear the kol korei released erev shabbos may not be directly intended at the chareidi website as much as they target the accompanying forums – mainly the “locked forums” – Chareidim is reporting.

Chareidim explains that as the kol korei was released to the chareidi newspaper, the daily Maariv carried an interview with R’ Mordechai Blau, who together with askan R’ Micha Refael [ben Rosa] Rothschild, are spearheading the effort against the internet corruption as they view it.

The report that that Rav Blau feels that by and large, the rabbonim view the internet as a tool for work, seeking to limit it to just that, to enable bnei torah to make a living, not relying on the medium for entertainment. The report states they are not targeting everyone, adding the Rothschild also is behind a project, the comic series “Once There Was a Boy” that deals with a mischievous boy and his computer fantasies.

They quote R’ Blau as stating “It’s all about control” and the rabbonim want the tzibur to adhere to their rulings, and one who does not, is not a chareidi since a chareidi yid is one who follows the rabbonim.

R’ Blau adds that both he and R’ Rothschild are not opposed, admitting the internet provides parnasa for many, without the need to mix in certain areas, but the forums seem to be what is troubling the rabbonim. In addition to issues of tznius, there are issues pertaining to loshon hora, libelous statements and more.

The report adds that to thoroughly understand, R’ Blau himself was introduced to the internet, providing a firsthand look, resulting in his heightened concern, pointing out there are chilonim, goyim and an opportunity to meet women – all unacceptable. The report concludes the “closed forums” are truly catastrophic.

R’ Rothschild was very seriously injured in a vehicular accident last week as was reported by YWN-Israel. He remains in need of the tefillos of the tzibur.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. The internet contains a terrible amount of garbage. That’s a given.

    Nevertheless, there is some redeeming value and may be this is why HKB”H allowed it to be created.

    There is a rule that the Rabbonim should not say something that “Ain ha’am yochel la’amod bo.”

    In the past 200-300 years about 95% of all yidden have left yiddishkeit. By giving the internet as a forum to protest, the Rabbonim have a chance to get feedback frum the plain “amei haaretz” (I don’t mean ignoramuses) so that we can prevent this erosion.
    Yes. Many will counter that the erosion is due to the horrible things and temptations of the world, but when the Rabbonim say something (even 100% correct)that people resent it only adds fuel to the fire.
    By giving a voice to the people, the Rabbonim can hear that which those asskonim that are around them otherwise keep from them.

  2. Surely it’s not only the “locked forums” that the rabbanim are talking about. It’s any site that considers itself “chareidi” and does not follow the Torah fully.

    Can Yeshiva World News honestly admit that no lashon hara and motzi shem ra ever passed its site? Definitely not!!! YWN, therefore, has a lot to work on to be considered a truly chareidi Torah website.

  3. “R’ Blau adds that both he and R’ Rothschild are not opposed, admitting the internet provides parnasa for many, without the need to mix in certain areas, but the forums seem to be what is troubling the rabbonim. In addition to issues of tznius, there are issues pertaining to loshon hora, libelous statements and more.”

    I must agree that it is important to avoid a moshev leztim. That is one of the main reasons I no longer Daven in certain Stibulachs or go to most Mikvas. Too much Loshon HaRa. Will the Rabbis address this problem as well? Or maybe it is just easier to attack the straw man of the Internet rather than tackling real problems?

  4. A few things strike me about this thread…

    There is Torah learning and Torah content on the internet, even via web sites. Not all web sites have negative content. Hashem entrusted all of this technology to our generation for a reason, and if we don’t utilize it, we’ll be held accountable.

    Some of the positive content is the opportunity to daven for the refuah of those about whom I would not hear about were it not for internet email.

    I wonder if Micha knows how many additional people daven for his refuah only on account of learning of his situation through internet email.

    Still those who don’t know the difference between an inter network packet transport system and a particular service or mechanism of publishing diminish their credibility.

  5. I don’t get it. What happened to listening to our leaders? The reason we call it da’as torah is because they are the closest to understanding what hashem wants

  6. The use of the phrase “the rabbonim” raises the question in my mind, “Who are the rabbonim?” Does this include all rabbonim or only a certain group?

    And if it is just a certain group of rabbonim, then who determines who rightly belongs to this group?

    Yitzchok Levine

  7. Ive had a vort that i made up (which could be emes btw) that the eitz hadas tov v’ra is the internet, and if you look at onkelos for m’piryo it’s mei ebay

  8. #3 – What do you want the Rabbonim to do, go around closing down any mikvas or shtibalach that loshon hara are spoken in? These rabbonim are simply attacking the problem in the one place they can corner it.

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