DHM Litzman: Charedi Housing Issue is a Deal Breaker

litzman.jpgDeputy Health Minister (Yahadut HaTorah) R’ Yaakov Litzman last week made a periodic visit to the Nadvorna Rebbe of Bnei Brak Shlita; the two discussed the serious problem of the shortage of housing for chareidi couples.

R’ Litzman reportedly told the Rebbe that the problem stems from the cost of land and construction and both must be reduced to make housing affordable to young couples. Chadrei Chareidim reports that Litzman stated he feels the chareidi parties must present a united front and tell Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that their continued presence in the coalition government must hinge of finding a solution to the growing housing shortage.

The deputy minister, who maintains ministerial authority, told the Rebbe that a consensus exists between Yahadut HaTorah and Shas on this matter, and a united bloc on the issue is indeed capable of applying the needed pressure on the prime minister to take action towards implementing a satisfactory solution.

The report adds that a close confidant of Litzman was asked if the opinion presented before the Rebbe is Litzman’s own or that of his colleagues as well.  The response was “the position presented by Litzman is the most effective solution”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. The National Religious are suffering also from lack of housing especially with the deep FREEZE, include them in the deal.
    I have a feeling that this discussion is connected to the Tenders being given out in RamaT Bet Shemesh GIMMEL.

  2. I believe that the Haredim themselves can do something about it, the desire to live in Haredi neighborhoods drives the price up. In my neighborhood, I bought my apt. 17 yrs. ago fro $140,000 it is now probably worth over $300,000, perhaps there should be ceilings to how much we pay. We can’t have the community either flashing their wallets or willing to go into heavy debt over apts. and then cry that the prices are too high.

  3. “Deal breaker” implies we are offereing a quid pro quo. If they give us housing, what do we offer (girls for the army, toleration of hillul Shabbos in Jerusalem, expelling Jewish communities on the wrong side of the 1949 truce line, etc.). Trading with the hilonim isn’t inherently problematic.

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