Iran & Syria Sign Agreement to Act Against ‘Zionist Regime’s Threat’

achas.jpgIran and Syria signed a strategic military defense agreement which speaks of a willingness to react together against regional threats from the “Zionist regime”.

“It is only natural for Syria, which faces the inhumane carnivorous Israel to remain prepared for any eventuality” stated Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi during the signing ceremony.

The agreement calls for joint military exercises between Damascus and Tehran to improve their joint abilities.

In the meantime, Iran continues its defiance to Western nations’ demands to halt nuclear enrichment efforts. Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki released a statement that while his country accepts the latest western proposal, Iran will do so on its own timetable, this resulted in an official statement on Saturday from a senior White House official that US President Barak Obama is unhappy with Iran’s response.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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