Yerushalayim: Chiloni Shabbos Seuda Against Chareidim

Shabbos.jpgDozens of secularists took part in a ‘seudas shabbos’ in a restaurant which operates on shabbos in an act of defiance against chareidim who are trying to prevent stores from operating on the holy day.

As a number of chareidim passed and shouted “Shabbos”, the participants continued to trample the sanctity of the day and light Chanukah candles during the seuda, on shabbos.

Elsewhere in the capital, police report about 50 chareidim took part in a peaceful protest against the continued shabbos operation on Intel in the Har Chotzvim High Tech Park on shabbos.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

10 Responses

  1. We have the so-called Chareidim to thank for this continued Chilul Shabbos. The fact that 50 of them are taking part in a “peaceful protest” is too little too late. This is the result of the lack of true leadership.

  2. The irony of the chilonim lighting a menorah on Shabbos shouldn’t be lost on anyone. In ‘Al hanissim’ we say ‘v’zaydim b’yad oskay Torasecho’. We are still waiting for that to happen, but our schedule isn’t the schedule of the Ribbono Shel Olom.

  3. this is not the way you will get secularist to love shabbos…. why dont you try to be nice to them, talk to them slowly show them that chareidim are good nice people…. and then slowly slowly things will change…. watch how chabad works

  4. Silly. Just ignore them and they’ll stop.
    Every time someone yells “SHABBOS,” they get a rush of excitement that propels them to do it again

  5. imagine if, instead of this story, the story was that some chareidim warmly and genuinely invited some secular yiddin to their homes for a true taste of shabbos/yiddishkeit. imagine the ahavas yisroel that could have been fostered, instead of more hatred.
    such a missed opportunity!

  6. Why is this a Charedi issue? What has the Mizrachi movement do to enhance Kovod Shabbos?

    Come to Raanana, Efrat, Rechovot and Petah Tikvah and you will see the massive difference the Mizrachi kehilla has done to enhance Kovod Shabbos!! The boundary between Charadei and Mizrachi is getting closer and closer as we become a league of Torah Observers and Shomer Shabbos kehillot.

  7. Why is this a Charedi issue? What has the Mizrachi movement do to enhance Kovod Shabbos?

    Come to Raanana, Efrat, Rechovot and Petah Tikvah and you will see the massive difference the Mizrachi kehilla has done to enhance Kovod Shabbos!! The boundary between Charadei and Mizrachi is getting closer and closer as we become a league of Torah Observers and Shomer Shabbos kehillot.

  8. all who support Zionflag just write the following
    Why is this a Charedi issue? What has the Mizrachi movement do to enhance Kovod Shabbos?

    Come to Raanana, Efrat, Rechovot and Petah Tikvah and you will see the massive difference the Mizrachi kehilla has done to enhance Kovod Shabbos!! The boundary between Charadei and Mizrachi is getting closer and closer as we become a league of Torah Observers and Shomer Shabbos kehillot.

  9. #3 and #6 – You hit the nail on the head. I couldn’t agree with you more!! I just wish the message would get to all those Charedim who think violence and protests are the way to accomplish something.

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