Sunday Morning News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

Motzei shabbos rock-throwing attacks in the area of el-Hadar Junction and Minharot Highway Ckpt. in Gush Etzion.

**Court stenographers return to work on Sunday morning following almost a month of strikes.

**Electricity rates increased 3.5% overnight.

**A Kassam rocket landed in the Shar HaNegev area during the night. No injuries reported.

**515 PA residents found inside Green Line Israel without permits were arrested over the weekend.

**Rocks and a bottle of paint were hurled at a bus traveling in Shomron on motzei shabbos near the Arab village of Sinjel, south of Yishuv Shilo.

**Motzei shabbos rock-throwing attacks on the Hussan Bypass Road near Betar Illit.

**A border policeman sustained light leg injuries in motzei shabbos rock-throwing attacks in Jerusalem’s Maale Zeitim (Ras el-Amud) neighborhood.

**5 Israeli who entered PA-controlled Kalkilye and 1 who entered Yericho were escorted out by PA forces and turned over to IDF officials on Saturday evening.

**An Arab motorists stopped for inspection south of Yericho was taken into custody after a knife and teargas was found in the vehicle.

**Terrorists inside Hamas-controlled Gaza fired at IDF soldiers near the border fence in the Re’im area on Saturday evening. Soldiers returned fire.

**IDF soldiers taking part in counter-terrorism operations throughout Yehuda and Shomron apprehended three suspects on motzei shabbos.

**Authorities located a stolen herd numbering over 260 sheep in the area of PA-occupied Beit Lechem. The herd was stolen from a Jewish community.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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