Barak to Abandon Psagot’s Security

In line with many other recent decisions implemented by Defense Minister Ehud Barak, the Shomron community of Psagot, located in the Benjamin Regional Council district, will no longer enjoy serving as host to an IDF reserve duty company, a reality that together with other improved security measures have permitted residents to resume living their lives.

Sitting immediately adjacent to Ramallah, without a real border dividing the community and the homes of Arab residents, Psagot endured daily shooting attacks into their community. In addition to place concrete barriers along the community perimeter to remove the community from the line of fire, an IDF reserve duty company was moved to base in Psagot, resulting in a constant military presence, which significantly improved the security situation.

Avigdor Shatz, the regional council’s chief security officer, himself a survivor of a terrorist shooting attack which left him in critical condition, stated the withdrawal of the army company will indeed place the residents in perilous danger.

Resident reject explanations of budgetary considerations, pointing out Barak seems to have more than enough funds to send Civil Administration inspectors around Yehuda and Shomron to halt construction.

IDF officials explain the decision was made following an evaluation of the current situation.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. We know HaSh-m works midah k’neged midah.
    Barak is too blind to realize that HaSh-m will remove the shmira that keeps him in this world.

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