iPhone Hits Israel Today

ipi.jpgAfter months of waiting and advertising hype, Apple’s iPhone is about to go on sale in Israel. Both Orange and Cellcom will offer the new phone.

The cellular providers are unwilling to disclose the price, explaining when they go on sale later in the day, interested clients will learn all the details when discussing a deal with a company representative. Whereas the phone sells for about $199 in the United States, the cost in Israel is expected to be in the $1,000 range.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. there will reps from many leading israeli banks there to offer mortgages for those unfortunates who dont A)have a relative in the states or B) dont know what ‘ebay’ and ‘plain packaging’ are.

  2. Israelis and the majority of us Jewish Men love electronic devices, the smaller, the newer, the ‘do it all’ — is our vice.

    Look in any store nationwide (Walmart, Target, Macy, Mall of America, Malcha Mall), where are the men? In the Electronic department.

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